Chapter one

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Ready away
After recent reviews I've gone back an edited it all to make it sound and look better. I hope its up to better standards

Chapter one.

I stared out onto the road as trees started to reappear around us. “Lauren.” The soft voice came from beside me. The voice made me  looked over at the man. He glanced at me before looking at the road. “I know you’re going to hate me for this but you have to learn.” The car was pulled over to the side of the road and he turned to look at me. I opened my mouth to reply but he was already unbuckling my seatbelt and opening the car door.

“Goodbye.” He shoved me out of the car and onto the dirt next to the road. I landed on the floor hard making me swallow back the tears of being left there. I watched the tail end of the car speed away back towards my home. I was alone. Alone, a word I hated and feared. A word that I wished to never experiance has come back to haunt me. I let out a small cry as felt a jolt of pain go through my wrist when I went to move it.

 The pain that shot up my arm was almost unbearable. I stood up and pushed my hair away from my eyes, with my uninjured hand, as I looked up and down the road. I was in another packs territory without permission and that ment danger was everywhere. I bit down on my lip and inspected my surroundings. All I could see was an endless forest.

A growl came from the opposite side of the road. My eyes instantly attached themselves to a dark brown pair. A flash of teeth being bared at me told me everything I needed to know.

My eyes widened in fear and I took a step back onto the dry land there. The mud crumbled under my feet causing me to go with it. I let out a scream as I started to fall down into the deep ditch. I knew I had probably let myself known to the entire pack by now.

My head came in contact with a large rock and I could feel a wetness already start to appear on my head. I clenched my eyes shut and stuck my leg out to try and tried to make myself go slower.

I let out a cry as I felt it come in contact with a tree and snap. I felt my body finally come in contact with flat ground. I let out a sigh of relief knowing I was probably at the bottom of the ditch. I felt the wet mud beneath my back and I gritted my teeth together from the pain. I heard a howl coming from somewhere nearby but all I could hear was a ringing sound. It was almost like the sound you get when you fall over and land on something hard.

I tried to keep my breathing even but it was hard when I could hear the faint footsteps of something coming towards me. My vision was started to be consumed by darkness. I let out a sigh and saw the dark brown eyes I was running from before I let the darkness consume me.


My first instinct when I woke up was to clutch my head. A pounding headache was moving its way from the back of my head to the front and it was painful. It almost felt like I had a hangover. I’ve only ever gotten a hangover once and I after that I never drank again.

I opened my eyes slowly to stare at a cream coloured ceiling. My ceiling wasn’t cream. It was a faded white. I let my eyes travel around the room. There were two sets of doors. One I was pretty sure led to a bathroom and the double doors most likely led to a hallway of some sort.

Just as I predicted the doors were thrown open and a young woman walked in. She must only be about twenty three agilest. She smiled at me and looked at the young child behind her “Hello dear. My name is Christina and this is Jasmine.” I watched the younger girl cower behind the older one. “Will you be staying with us?” She asked and I snapped my eyes up to her.

I frowned confused by her question. I watched her sigh and crossed her arms in front of her chest “You’re not much of a talker, are you?” She took a step towards me and my reflexes kicked in. I shuffled back towards the headboard. She tilted her head to the side “I’m here to help you not harm you. I’ve been given orders to come here and help you change.” I opened my mouth to speak. Everything inside of me wanted to tell her to go away.

I wanted to go home. I wasn’t going to find my mate locked up in a room like this. Why was I thinking like that? My mate was probably some body builder. I shivered at the thought of a large man.

I bit my lip as I watched the small girl place the clothes down on the bed. I’ll have to remember her. She seemed to know what to do in a situation like this. She looked up at me. Her small blue eyes reminded me of ones on my younger sister. They must be the same age anyway.

“Christina. I can hear your father calling. We need to go.” The small girl named Jasmine whispered. “She’s scared and we won’t be able to even get close to her.” She knew I could hear every word. She glanced at me before dragging the taller girl out of the room and shutting the doors quietly. I silently thanked her.

I grabbed the clothes at the end of the bed and inspected them. It was a dress that seemed to reach the floor. I studied it and set my lips in a straight line. I swung my legs over the side of the bed and flinched when my left leg started to ache. I walked over to the window and searched the ground for any other people.

There were about two dozen people down there. I saw a man lifted a child off the floor and place him on his shoulders. Didn’t the man realise the risks and hear the child squealing? This pack was so different to mine. Most of the men weren’t as big as ours but I could tell they still liked to be in their wolf forms.

I saw Jasmine suddenly run into the mix and hug an elderly woman who was sitting in a chair. She was probably a grandma. I stared at the couple as the old woman spoke as if she was talking to her about how the world was made.

I glanced down at my feet and let my fingers feel my hair. My hair felt disgusting. Like someone had come and poured mud all over it. It felt dry and… Oh right. I bit my lip to stop me from laughing at my stupidness. I headed over to the bathroom and turned on the shower.

I stepped in and let the water cascade down my back and through my hair. I let out a breath in relief. Being in the shower always gave me some kind of release, like I could get away from the world and all of my fears. I heard my wolf howl in agreement with me.

Once I had finished, I stepped out and wrapped a towel around my body. I ran another hand through my hair checking it was back to its normal state. I looked at it in the mirror above the sink. It was back to its normal dark brown colour.

The girl which stared back at me looked like nothing I felt. She had the perfect shaped face with the light blue eyes rimmed with a black circle. She looked confident and was ready to take on the world while on the inside she wasn’t ready to even get out of the bathroom. I shook my head and walked back into the bedroom.

I pulled on the clothes that were laid out of the bed for me. I bit my lip and quickly dried my hair with the towel before running my hands in it. There was a knock on the door and then it was opened by an older lady. She ran her eyes over my body and smiled at me “You’re a very beautiful girl.” She told me “You’re like my daughter.”

I tilted my head to side unsure what to say “Thank you.” I whispered. I was surprised that she actually heard. She smiled at me.

“You’re welcome dear. My daughter used to be just like you until her mate came along and changed her for the best… May I?” She asked holding out her hand. I silently placed my hand in hers. She smiled up at me “Since your awake and can actually walk I’ll have to take you to the Beta of the pack.” The bete?

I knew she saw my confusion and laughed “My son isn’t here at the moment. His right hand man will have to do for now. My son is away sorting out a rogue problem with a smaller pack.” Her son is the alpha? Oh. That would make sense.

She looks like the type that would take charge. I took my time to study the older woman. Her dark hair was tied at the back of her head in a neat bun and her sweet smile told me that I could trust her… for now.

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