Chapter Twenty-two

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Hey guys so this is officially the last chapter chapter. I'm so excited to show it to you guys. I had to redo it so many times that I was going crazy. It was mostly the end but I really hope you like it. This chapter is for my younger sister who created my cover.

Not eddited very well

Chapter twenty-two

Lauren’s POV

It felt like months, no, years had gone by since the last time I had spoken to Isaac. The distance between me and my mate was painful knowing that he was risking his life for his pack, correction our pack.

The sound of howls and screams of something that wasn’t human alerted me that they were inside the house. I rose to my feet with the gun in hand and walked over to the small concrete hallway. The hallway was a dead end to the right but a small line of light was leaking through from under the door.

You are the worlds bravest Luna. My wolf entered my throats from inside the cage I had kept her in.

‘Do you want to get killed?’ I asked her back earning no reply until a few minutes later

No but remember when I said I would let you know when a good time to let me free is. Well this is a good time. She retaliated and I scoffed mentally.

‘Right, so I’m going to listen to my wolf instead of my very intelligent mate.’

I’m part of you. You’d rather listen to your mate then your own conscious.’

‘Well was my mate the one who killed three human? No I didn’t think so’ There was no reply from my wolf until she sighed.

That wasn’t my fault. I was excited…

‘So that’s what you call it huh?’ Once again no reply and I was actually glad. At least I was hoping she wasn’t going to reply.

Then as if someone had stabbed me in the stomach a piercing pain hit me. I doubled over in pain and bit down on my lip to try not to scream out in pain before I back towards the mattress and sunk into it. My heart suddenly felt like it was being torn in two and my wolf cried out with me.

Something was wrong and I didn’t know what it was and neither did my wolf. I was losing something and I didn’t know what. Like a part of my soul was being ripped away from me and then it suddenly stopped, like it was never there. I collapsed back onto the couch breathing heavily and I clenched my eyes shut. My mind wondered to Isaac and I was silently hoping he was okay.

The shouting outside stopped as if they knew something was wrong as well and I crawled over to the hallway with the gun clasped in my left hand. The sound of the bookcase being scrapped along the floor alerted me that someone was there. The light in the hallway began to get bigger and the door was thrown open.

The light from outside burned my eyes forcing me to hold my hand up to cover them. “Who is it?” I asked towards the figure which had stepped in front of the light. The gun was taken from my hands and laid onto the floor as the man crouched down next to me.

“Lauren. Are you okay?” I let out a sigh of relief at Kent’s voice knowing that it wasn’t a rogue or vampire.

“I’m fine. I’m fine. Can you help me up?” I watched his head nod as he helped me to my feet and I dusted the small cement flecks off my shirt. “Why are you here?” I asked him and he frowned.

“Didn’t Isaac tell you that I was going to get you?”

“Yes but I mean why are you here and not Isaac?” There was a silence and he suddenly placed his hand in the middle of my back.

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