Chapter five

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Hi everyone. God it's been a long time aha. Well I had some free time today (It's monday here and yes I know I'm supposed to be at school but I'm not) I would have gotten home soon yesterday but my plane had been delayed so I got home about twelve.

So I have entered this story into the watty awards and I need your support. So please vote. You can do it now if you like. It's not that hard.

This is not edited and I had to redo it heaps of times so it's a bit messy.


“Leave me alone.” I shouted at him. He stopped following me and tilted his head. My breathing came faster as I turned the corner and banging into a hard chest.

Chapter five

I stumbled back and fell into another chest. A deep chuckle came from behind me making me flinch away. “So this is your mate son?” A hand gripped my chin and I was looking into a pair of familiar eyes. Except the face wasn’t. His hair was greying and his smile was wide and proud. Those eyes though. I had seen them before.

My chin was tugged slightly to the right and then the left.  “She’s very beautiful…”

“She has no respect though.” Respect? I watched the older man shake his head and sigh.

“Respect is always earned. Like trust.” He dropped his hand away from my face and smiled at me. “It’s nice to meet you.” He shook my hand softly before I was shoved out of the way. I winced as an arm crushed into my stomach and push me back.

Once again I was staring at the back of my new alpha. He wouldn’t let me now or ever.  “Do not touch her again.”

“Now son she will be my daughter-in-law.”

“I don’t care.” A growl erupted from his throat and I took a step away from the angry alpha.

“You’re scaring your mate son.” His head whipped around to mine and his eyes bored into mine. It was like he was searching my soul for something he couldn’t find.

“My mate is fine. It’s yours you should be worried about.” He snapped at his father and he grabbed my wrist. His father frowned.

“That is no way to talk to your elder-“

“Don’t push me old man.” He growled at him before turning around and dragging me through the large house. I stumbled over my feet behind him. “Hurry up.” He snapped at me making me try to walk up to my side.

Fresh air hit my skin and I froze. The loud noise of laughter, talking and shouting came into my ears making me want to curl up into a ball and cry. My ears seemed to be burning at the loud noise and I hated it.

Someone tugged at my arm and I was being dragged through the garden, thankfully away from the noise and towards the forest. We stopped near the edge and I glanced over at Isaac. He was taking of his shirt and he glanced at me.

Save me from the darkness (Watty Awards)Where stories live. Discover now