Chapter 1

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"Stupid Anji how could she do this to me"

You whispered to yourself as you walked to a bar. All caked up and dress so short you kept pulling it down.

You walked through the bar and tried to find anyone that would recognise you. Some eyes were on you but you didn't know which one actually knew you. Shit I should've asked for his picture or something.

"Hi, (y/n) right?"

Your jerked your head back to find an unfamiliar face. Since he knew your name you figured he knew you.

"Uhh hi" you felt like hiding behind a rock the way he was hungrily looking at you.

I shouldn't of have done this...

~Flash back~

"You set me up with a blind date?!? You're kidding!"

"No I'm not kidding, now cmon it's tonight let's get you readyyyy~" Anji threw her hands up.

"Are you drunk what the hell is wrong with you?!"

You loved Anji, she was your childhood friend. You guys were practically sisters. But this was too much. She made you an account on some dating site and got you in with some stranger and now he wants to meet up.

"No I'm not now let's go"

She rummaged through your closet. She finds a tiny black strapless dress.

"Oooo what's this? Didn't know you owned stuff like this"

Oh shi. You forgot that was in there. You weren't even thinking when you bought that.

"I don't even know if that fits now stop acting like this I'm not going on this stupid blind date" She ignored you and started to brush your hair.

"Aish stop moving your not squeezing your way out of this"

You appreciated her concern for your love life but this is not the way you wanted to have your first boyfriend. Yes... first... and yes... your in college... probably why she was acting like this. Her eyes were filled with pity.

Once she finished you looked like some idol.

"Waahhhh you're beautiful how come no one ever gets with my baby!?"

"Shut up"

She even did your hair. The dress did fit you. It became almost your skin. It showed all your curves that were usually hidden behind a big baggy shirt.

"Okay fine I'll give this a try but how do I get home my cars getting fixed?"

"The clubs only a few minutes away, take the bus or something"

"But what if it gets late? It's dangerous"

"Oh don't worry if you stay that late you won't need to come home" she winks at you.

Omg Anji why.

~End of flashback~

"So my friend kind of set me up with all this so I don't really know you..."

"Aww really and I thought we were having a really good time too haha"

What he didn't even care that it wasn't me that whole time? You didn't like this guy. He seemed dangerous.

"I can't really hear you do you want to go somewhere quiet?"

"Uh sure"

He grabbed your wrist and you flinched at the sudden contact. But that didn't stop him from dragging you all the way out of the club. Once you got out the back he slammed the door behind you.

You didn't like this feeling. He lived up to your thoughts and he started to push you against the wall. Luckily you were prepared for this in case it did happen. You swung your heavy af bag against him. You cringed at the sound of the bag against his head.

"Ow! You bitch!"

This only made him angrier, and stronger. He grabbed your wrist and pinned them to the wall. He took his free hand and put it in between your thighs.

"Aaahhh stop!!"

You tried to scream but before you knew it his lips crashed into yours. He forced his tongue into your mouth. You eyes widened and tears fell from them. You felt so disgusting, you wanted to cut your own tongue off. There goes your first kiss.

Suddenly something hard slammed against his cheek causing him to fall on the ground beside you. You tried to rub his scent off of you while the mysterious guy started to beat the crap out of him. He didn't stop until he was practically dead. He looked at you.

"Gwaen chana?"

His husky voice was like honey, they warmed you. You fell to the floor and bawled your eyes out. He hesitated before picking you up and wrapping his arms around you. You could smell a hint of alcohol but other than that his natural scent was intoxicating.

He held you till you stopped crying, which felt like forever. He hugged you like you needed to comfort him not him comforting you. He looked down at you. You were a mess.

"Cmon let's go?"

He talked to you as if you were a toddler. You nodded your head thoughtlessly. You didn't even know this guy but you didn't care. He could be kidnapping you for all you knew. But you did know he saved you from that jerk. He grabbed your wrist carefully but this time you didn't flinch. Your eyes were dead. There was no more life left in them. You felt so empty, like someone stole a huge chunk of you.

He started to walk slowly. At first it seemed like he didn't even know where he was going. But finally you reached a house which you assumed was his. He took you to his room, making sure you were okay enough to walk up stairs.

"Bathrooms that way, here's a shirt"

His words were slurred. He was probably still drunk. The shirt reminded you of the shirts you used to wear back at you house. It made you feel at home. Your eyes trickled with tears but before they could fall you ran to the bathroom.

You tried to scrub him away but his presence lingered with you. You scrubbed so hard your skin turned red. You stepped out and slipped on his shirt. It smelt nice. When you walked out you saw him passed out on his bed. You were going to sleep on the couch but you needed warmth.

You tucked both him and you into his bed and curled up beside him. You cried yourself to sleep.

A/n: Ayo ladies and gentlemennn. Sorry for this super dark first chapter. This was supposed to be cute ya know. I have no idea how it turned out like this.

Anyways I hope you will like this story. But if your into more of a fluff story and you don't like the violence check out my other story Lost Bag. It's a Yoongi ff too :)

Fighting!! xx

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