Chapter 14

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"I'm sorry"

You turn your head to the side.

"How's Danah?"

You waited patiently for his answer but the guard stepped in.

"I'm sorry but you guys are going to have to take this outside"

They pushed you out of the gate and into the shopping part of the airport.

You stared at each other blankly for a while before Yoongi breaks the silence.

"I'm not with her"

Your heart jumps. You felt your knees go weak.


"Yes. She's in the past. I just fixed things up with her like you said. It took a while. And I needed some time alone"

You looked at the ground. You had it all backwards.

"Still you didn't have to go through it alone. You could've at least texted me again. I was so worried...."

Your voice croaked and trailed off. Yoongi's heart hurt seeing you like this. He pulls you into a tight hug. Neither or you wanted to let go.

"Let's go home?"

You smile and nod your head. As you exited the airport you realise why you were there in the first place. You pull yoongi's hand back.

"I didn't come here just to get away from you. My parents actually texted me. They really wanted me to come home"


He looks at you sadly.

"But you'll be back right?"

His eyes glistened with hope. You smile as brightly as you could.

"Of course!"

He kisses you on the forehead.

"Alright. Come back to me okay?"

You nod and walk back inside.

You go to the ladies room and collapse in one of the stalls. You were so happy you felt like you could die. You couldn't stop smiling like an idiot. Your legs wouldn't even work anymore!

Still smiling you walked out and booked another ticket. Your moment of happiness has ended. It was back to waiting.

You receive a text from Yoongi.

Yoongi -Did you miss your flight?-

Me -Yes because of you >:( -

Yoongi -I'm sorry! >~< -

Me -It's alright-
Me -But to repay me, keep me entertained-

Yoongi -Do you know what my shirt is made of? -
Yoongi -Boyfriend material-

You snicker to yourself. Making you look like a fool.

Me -Am I supposed to be flattered?-

Yoongi -Do you have a bandaid? Because I just scraped my knee falling for you-

Me -Omg stop-

Yoongi -If you were a vegetable you'd be a cute-cumber-

Me -Awe but I wanna be a salad!-

Yoongi -I bet you play soccer, because you're a keeper-

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