Coming Home

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Knock knock

"Daddy? Can I come in?"

"Of course..." cough "...honey! Please,..." cough "come in!".

When the door opened, a girl came into the room. She had long, red hair and beautiful blue eyes. She was wearing a white shirt and a light brown, pencil skirt. She was on her favorite nude high heels and around her neck was hanging an expensive necklace of perles. She headed to the bed where her sick father was laying. She came closer an placed a little kiss on his forehead. She receded and smiled.

"Oh, Zelena..." the old man said and he opened his amazing green eyes. "Thank you..." cough "for everything that you've done for me..." a tear came to her eye. "...but I'm dying... I can feel it..."

She took his hand in hers and she squeezed it tenderly. "Daddy! Please..." now she was crying "please, don't say that... you're a fighter!"

He wiped her tear which was running down her cheek. "Honey, the doctor said that I can't win this fight..." cough.

"Daddy... please..." her voice was broken. "Please , don't leave me..."

"I'll try to stay awake for you. Zelena I want you to know that I always loved you as my child." he said and the tears couldn't stop falling.


His phone buzzed.


From Marian?

Oh God! Not again!

He took his phone in his hand and he started reading the text.

Good morning, darling! How's the weather there? Here is raining again -as usual-. I wanted to tell you that I've missed you so much... I love you so much! I can't wait to see you again at Christmas Holidays. You'll come, won't you? Love you... :* xxx

He ran a hand through his light brown hair and he didn't took his glare from the text. He knew that Marian had missed him and that she loved him but he thought that their relationship was over. When he left London he was about to break up with her but he didn't want to say goodbye in that way so he decided to let her break up with him.

She never gave up on their relationship. She was texting him every single day and when he wasn't giving her an answer she used to cry all night and in the morning was looking like a ghost.

He put his phone back to the bedside table and saw at the alarm clock.


"Fuck!" he get up from the bed so fast that he fell down on the wooden floor and hurt his right wrist. "Damn it!" he whispered and he headed into the bathroom. He took a quick shower, he brushed his teeth and now was back to his bedroom. He opened his closet and he wore a white shirt and a grey suit. He decided to wear his expensive, leather, brown shoes.

After that, he took his phone, then his keys and then his briefcase. Then he opened the door and left his apartment.


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