The Gloves Are Off

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"Holy crap..." Regina said.

"Gina... language!" Robin tried to ease her.

"Oh, shut up, Robin... Marian's here?" She was terrified.

"Suppose so..." He said while his gaze was wandering around the room for his ex wife.

"Well... it's okay, isn't it? I mean, there's a wedding here and my best friend is the bride. I have to stay calm for Emma's shake..."

"I agree..."

"You have to stay calm too, though... I'm worrying about you. I care about you too much to let her annoy you."

"I care about you too, sweetheart."

Regina leaned in and she pecked his lips on a sweet kiss. He smiled on the kiss and she smiled back. "Well, what if Marian will make a fight?"

"I'm sure she'll react like a lady in front of her family. Her parents are here... Should I leave?" He was worrying about the end of this situation.

"Don't you dare, Mr. Locksley..." She said with her seductive voice.

"Say me "Mr. Locksley" again and I'll give her the reason to start fight with you, Ms. Mills..." he chuckled.

"Promises, promises..."

An hour later the whole ceremony was over. Marian was looking at Robin all the time and Regina was about to tear Marian apart. When the guests were making their way out of the room of the ceremony to go to the party Marian and parents stood in front of Robin and Regina.

"Hello, Robin... and... I'm sorry I can't recall your name." Marian said to Regina.

"Regina..." she answered with her cold voice.

"Oh yes! Hello to you too! Are you one of the bride's friend?" She asked.

"Actually, I'm her best friend..."

"Oh, I see... Robin... the cat got your tongue?"

"Um... no, of course not! How are you Marian? Mr. and Mrs. Westwood?" He gave his hand for handshake.

"We're fine sweetheart. How are you?" Mrs. Westwood answered with a big smile.

"I'm okay. Sir..."

"Nice to see you again lad!" He answered.

"We have to go now..." Marian said. "Bye, Robbie! Bye Gina!" She said and they left.

Regina had her eyes wide open and she was shocked. "They were so kind..." she tried to say.

"They are British... they have to be kind." He chuckled as he place his hand on her low back leading her out of the room.

"Right..." She was still shocked.


The party was about to take place on a beautiful garden. The tables were white with gold details and they had vases with pink and white roses placed on them. The trees were having yellow fairy lights on them.

In the center of the garden there was a table with a giant cake on it. It was white, decorated with pink roses and little white edible flowers.

The place was like a fairytale. Everything was magical and the atmosphere was friendly and romantic.

"The Perfect wedding" Regina thought.

Her and Robin sat on their sits on a table next to the bridal. Suddenly Marian and her parents came to sit on the same table with them. Robin's face was white and Regina was about to explode.

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