The Garage Incident

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Mr.Locksley 😏😘 Good morning, beautiful!

Regina's phone buzzed and she read the message. She smiled and started typing.

Regina👑😍 Well, good morning, Mr. Handsome Locksley! How are you today?

Mr.Locsley 😏😘 I'm fine! I can't wait to see you... I want to kiss you 😘

Regina👑😍 Hmmm... I wanna kiss you too!

Two seconds later her phone rang and she answered it.

"I just wanted to hear your voice."

Regina chuckled "You're so idiot! You could wait to hear my voice at the office..."

Robin smiled and she could hear it. "Your voice at office is so firm! I want your cute voice..."

Regina laughed. "Oooh! I think that you prefer my elevator voice... you can't handle it, do you?" Regina played with him.

"Don't do that! I'll come there and..." he tried to say but she cut him.

"And what, Mr. Locksley?" she said with the most sensual voice of hers.

"And..." he said but another voice came from his house. "Darling?! It's time to get up! What do you want for breakfast?"

Regina's eyes widened as she heard that feminine voice. "Whose voice was that?"

Robin cleared his throat. "Oh, she was..." but the voice sound again. "Honey! Come here... I cooked your favorite...". Robin dropped his head into his hands and tried to speak again. "Regina, I can expl-"

"No!" she yelled. "You explained yourself very clearly!" she was so angry. "You're an asshole!" Regina said before he could say something and she hung up.

"Robin, I talk to you! Come on!" The feminine voice sound again and that girl from the funeral showed up and leaned on the door of his bedroom.

"Belle? I heard you! I was talking to Regina and she thinks..."

"Oh, Robin! I'm so sorry! Explain to her! Let me talk to her... please." Belle said with concern.

"No, Belle! If she likes me, she'll believe me..."

"That's my romantic brother, everyone. You really like her, don't you?" Belle walked to him and hugged him.

"You have no idea, sis! No idea!" Robin said and he hugged her too.


Regina was driving to the office. Today was wearing a grey shirt and black pants. She curled her raven hair. Her make up -as always- was black mascara and eyeliner and the lipstick's color was dark red. That day was very shiny so she decided to wear her black sunglasses.

She stopped to a Starbucks taking a Caramel Frappuccino. She was driving again. She finally arrived to the garage. She drove to her parking seat, but someone else had parked there. She was looking for another seat and she found Robin's. She was about to park there. That moment Robin arrived into his black Volkswagen. He saw her trying to park her car to his seat. He stopped the car and opened the door. He walked in front of her car and she raised an eyebrow.

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