Chapter 1 - Us

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I opened my eyes slowly, wincing as a bright beam of sunshine shone into my eyes through the open curtains. I looked at the mess around the living room. As big as it was, not a single inch of the floor could be seen, as rubbish, blankets, pillows, food and furniture filled in every space. If I wasn't lying on the floor, I wouldn't have known we even had one.

Wow Yui, that was one heck of a party, was my first thought.

I sat up drowsily, still recovering from the sun's assault on my vision. I look to my left and Sora, the best best friend in the world, is sleeping soundly on his back, his hands placed loosely on his stomach, his head tilted towards me with a serene expression on his face.

I turn to my right and Ema's back is to me. I hear her light snores and smile, she's so adorable when she's sleeping. I stare at my twin long and hard, seeing all of my features mirrored on her face. My eyes, my nose, my mouth, my cheeks, my hair. Except not my hair. I went through a phase when I was 13, had a fit at not being able to be told apart from my twin, and bleached my hair. Now, I was the blonde twin, Yui, and she was the brunette twin, Ema.

We were always close, us being sisters and all, but at 13 I was a bit busy having an identity crisis and bleaching my hair in my hysteria to pay too much attention to her. I regret not being there for her, but I can't say I regret bleaching my hair, though it's still strange looking at Ema and remembering we used to look exactly the same.

The identity crisis had been triggered by me finding out that we were adopted and that Rintarou wasn't out biological father. I didn't tell Ema about this though, because I knew she'd be distressed, her being the person she is. So I went through it alone. But, at the end of the day, Rintarou raised Ema and I, he'll always be my dad.

I slowly got up, removing the pillows and blankets that enveloped me and tiptoed through the piles and piles of stuff on the floor. I padded to the bathroom, which was also a mess, and looked in the mirror. Was not a pretty sight. My face was still dazed from sleep and my hair. I can't even estimate how many animals have probably made a nest up there. I closed and locked the door, quickly stripped off my checkered pyjamas, hopping into the shower the second I was free of their weight.

I took about ten minutes, then slipped on a bathrobe and walked to my room, passing by the still sleeping Sora and Ema.

Opening my door, my room was tidy. My walls were plastered with anime posters and drawings. I had tonnes of anime DVDs and manga lining my shelves, as well as my plush collection covering my bed and bedside tables. Yes, you probably would've guessed it by now. I'm an otaku. Anime is my life. You diss it, you die.

I stepped into my walk-in wardrobe and silently stared at the clothes, pondering on what I was going to wear. I quickly decided and put on my red sleeveless hoodie and some black tights. I looked in the mirror and felt like something was missing. I opened my dresser's draw and took out my black sweatband, which had a chain link design on it and pulled it on my wrist. I smiled and thought, like I would ever forget about you.

I looked to the mirror and saw that my hair was mostly dry now, bless my hair and it's convenient ability to dry quickly. I arranged the slighty-longer-than-shoulder-length waves into a ponytail, leaving out some locks to frame my face. I looked at myself and smiled. Awesome job, now, I shall feast! By feast, I meant wake up the two losers in my living room and make breakfast.

I barrelled into the room and rushed towards Ema and Sora in a panic. "Guys, guys! Wake up! Quick we don't have time, we have to go!" I yelled, my face fear-stricken. The two numbskulls quickly sat up and tried to stand whilst attempting to remove the blankets and pillows enveloping them.

"W-what, what's going on? Are you okay? What's happening?" Sora questioned once he and Ema had managed to stand up, which was very quick. His face was pale and he looked worried. I kept a straight face for a few seconds then I cracked a smile and burst out laughing. I fell on the floor and clutched my stomach, trying to hold back my laughter. They stared at me, confused.

"Ahahahahahaha. Oh. My. God. You guys." At this point I was crying from laughter and gasping to get enough air in my lungs. "Your faces. Best reaction. Hahahahahahaha. Okay, Yui. Calm down. Breathe in, breathe out." I tried to calm down but the looks on their faces sent me into another fit of laughter.

Ema and Sora looked at each other with mutual understanding as I began to calm down. "Yui, why do you do that. Every. Single. Time." Sora said in annoyance.

"But, Sora darling, dear friend of mine," I said, draped my arm around his shoulder and smirked. "Why do you still fall for it each and every time?"

He groaned and walked to the bathroom. "I'm gonna shower." And with that, he closed the door and I looked to Ema, whose hand was placed on her chest in an attempt to calm herself.

"Sorry Ema, didn't realise it would scare you that much," I said gently, giving her what I hope was a comforting smile.

"It's okay, I'm fine, please don't worry about me," she said and gave me a weak smile.

I turned to the clock and saw that it was 8:30 am. "Breakfast time!" I said excitedly and headed for the kitchen.

So today's the day, huh? I thought. I looked around at the mess caused by the party we'd had. Mine and Ema's going away party, because in less than 9 hours, we were moving into the Sunrise Residence, where Ema and I would live with our new family of 13 brothers.

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