Chapter 21 - Carelessness

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Iori and I walked into the kitchen, and Ukyo was still cooking.

"Shall I set the plates?" I asked politely.

He looked up and smiled gratefully. "Thank you. Could you set 7 sets of plates and serve the bowls of rice too?"

"Roger," I rolled up my sleeves and washed my hands. Iori sat at the table quietly. He seemed very reserved all the time. To be honest, that made me a little sad. I feel like he's missing out in life by staying out of everything.

I shook that thought out of my head. He is how he is. If that's the way he wants to do things, I have no right to say anything.

I set the plates on the table, and placed Iori's plate and bowl of rice in front of him gently. He smiled at me and I smiled back, before going back to Ukyo.

"Anything else?"

"No, that should be fine. I'm sorry for making you do work so early in the morning," Ukyo replied guiltily.

I patted him roughly on the back and he looked at me, suprised. Guess no one really treats an adult like that. "Don't give me that look. I volunteered. Also, I live here too, so it's only fair I do a share of the housework around here."

I rolled my sleeves back down and sat next to Iori. Some brothers and Ema started making their way down the stairs. Breakfast was served and Ukyo, Ema, Yusuke, Iori, Wataru, Azusa and I began to eat.

Everyone was enveloped in their own conversatons, but Azusa, who was sitting next to me, seemed a little distant. "Azusa, is something the matter?"

He looked up tiredly. "I'm fine. Just a little tired. My schedule's been very busy lately, so I've been sleeping late."

I looked at him, concerned. "You shouldn't push yourself so hard, it's not good for your health."

"Sorry for making you worry, I'll be fine."

"Well, if you need help with your script, I'm free to help you practise," I offerred.

"I'll be counting on you, then."

Azusa and I finished our meals before everyone else. As he pushed his chair in and reached for his plate, I took it, along with mine, and walked to the kitchen. Azusa followed behind me.

"Are you doing my dishes too?"


"Thank you."

"No problem. You just... Get some rest, okay?"

He seemed touched by my concern. "I will," he said, and walked off.

I finished our dishes and took everyone else's as they finished. Ema came to help me after she finished eating. Normally, I would have said no, that she shouldn't wear herself out, but, like me, Ema wanted to contribute to the house work. To be a part of the family. And I sure as hell was not going to bar my precious little sister's way.

We finished the dishes and grabbed our bags, and Yusuke was outside, waiting for us. Well, more like waiting for Ema. I don't think he likes me all that much. He's only talked to me once since I got here. I hope I haven't done something to offend him.

As we walked, I considered the things I could have said/done that made him dislike me. Truth was, I'd been ignored quite a bit when I was younger. I was a little too much for people to handle, so I was often ignored. And I promised myself I wouldn't have a repeat of that. So the fact that Yusuke, who was pretty much already my brother, was ignoring me, wasn't very pleasant.

As I took my position as Ema's bodyguard on the train, my thoughts steered in another direction. I still haven't met all the brothers. The wedding's pretty soon, so I'll probably meet them all then. I hope they're like Iori. Um, I mean, I hope they're nice. Yeah, that's what I meant.

We got off the train and made our way to the school. I waved Ema off as we turned down different hallways.

I walked into my classroom. Yoshida-kun was sitting boredly at his desk, Akito was scribbling something down very quickly. I smiled. Probably copying someone's homework.

Since that day on the roof with Yoshida-kun, I've been less scared of him. I barely ever trembled anymore and I could talk back to him. I won't let him intimidate me anymore!

I also felt a little sympathetic when I remembered his words.

"Because I didn't want to be forgotten."

I know that feeling. Being forgotten... Isn't pleasant. It hurts.

But what he'd done to Sora. I can never forget, nor forgive that.

I never really knew much about Yoshida-kun. Even when we were dating, we didn't really talk about family or anything. That struck me as odd. Sure, family came up in the conversation a few times, but the conversations always seemed to change quickly at that point...

"Everyone, listen up," Nakamura-sensei said loudly, and I looked up. "These handouts that you're about to receive are your career pathway surveys. Next week, you'll be having your career counseling sessions. I hope you all take this seriously. That's all."

Everyone went back to their conversations. I began filling out the paper in my hands immediately. The university I wanted to go to was Sora's. I'm not giving up yet. We may be in a different high school, but there's always an opportunity waiting to be seized.

I completed the form and was looking it over when Akito leaned over and read what I had written. "Are you sure you want to go to that university? I mean, there are a lot more nearby."

"My best friend's going to that university," I said happily.

"Oh cool, what's her name?"

"It's not a she, it's a he. His name is Sora."

Akito had a different reaction to the one my brothers did. He seemed a little sad, but he hid it very quickly. "I see. What's he like?"

"He's pretty smart. He plays basketball. He's really funny. He's also very easy-going and fun." Thoughtlessly, I started ranting about Sora and how cool he is. Sometimes I get carried away when I talk about people I really care about.

Akito was smiling happily, but as I went on, his face started to seem strained and his smile was fading. What's wrong with him?

I was just about to stop talking, bothered by Akito's expression, when Yoshida-kun slammed his hand on my desk. He looked at me, angry, but also pained.

"Yui, you're always talking about him! Sora this, Sora that! You dated me for how long and still, all you talk about is him!" I was shocked, and I didn't know what to say. "It's always him! Sora has everything! Yui, what about me?!"

I stared at him, lost for words.

"Fine, I get it. You don't even care about me at all," he finished and stormed out.

I felt so extremely guilty.

A voice from the past came to mind.

Look, Yui. All you do is make everyone sad.

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