Chapter 8 - First Impressions: Transfer Student

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We ate breakfast in silence. The atmosphere was really awkward. I tried to think of something to ease the tension and start a conversation but I was just too uncomfortable to say anything.

I was sitting across from Yusuke but I noticed he was avoiding my gaze. It made me a little upset. Does he not like me?

One by one, everyone finished their food and left the table. Still, no one said anything. I finished my food before Yusuke and Ema, so I decided to wait outside for them. I usually walked with Ema to a bus stop near Hinode High then she would go to her school while I waited for the bus to Seika Academy.

I found out from Ema yesterday that we would be taking the train to school with Yusuke. I groaned internally. I'm not a big fan of trains. They're always so crowded and stuffy.

I sat on a low wall, swinging my legs. Ema and Yusuke shouldn't take much longer so I'll just wait here. Sure enough, they came out of the house a couple of minutes later. They walked towards me, and I hopped off the wall.

"Ema-ojou-san, Yusuke-dono, my fair siblings, are we off to board our carriage?" I said, bowing.

Yusuke stared at me, slightly agitated.

"She's asking if we're going to catch the train now, Yusuke-kun," Ema translated.

"K," Yusuke said to Ema, seemingly ignoring me completely. Now, that's not very nice, Yu-chan, I thought, but didn't say, as he seemed to be in a bad mood. I just shrugged it off and walked ahead.

"So, let's go," I said as I walked in front of them. Ema nodded and the two followed closely behind me, Ema telling me the directions as we went.

The two had little conversations on the way to the train station. I was too excited about seeing the school Ema goes to to pay much attention to what they were saying.

We soon reached the train station and boarded our train. Ema was pressed up against Yusuke. Seeing that, I stood behind Ema to make sure no guy tried to make a pass at her. Crowded trains are windows of opportunities for perverts, and I'm not going to give them a chance to even touch my sister.

Yusuke asked Ema something about how she was feeling about living in the Asahina household. She said it was nice and their conversation continued, but I stopped listening as the intercom announced the next stop, which I recognised as ours.

"Ema, we have to get off now," I told her gently, trying not to intrude on her conversation with our brother. She nodded and passed on the message. As the train slowed, I grabbed my sister's hand. We exited onto the platform, Yusuke following behind closely.

The school was only about 4 minutes away from the train station. I observed all the students walking into the school, chatting happily with their friends. I suddenly felt butterflies in my stomach. Will I be able to make new friends here?

Ema, as though reading my thoughts, patted my back lightly. "You'll be fine," she said gently. I gave her a nervous smile, but having her say that reassured me quite a bit.

"Ema, I wish I could be in your class," I frowned. Since we were so obviously sisters, the school put us in different classes. Classes in this school weren't organised by intelligence, so the class you were in wasn't different to all the other classes in your grade.

So, by that proclamation, Ema and Yusuke were in Class 2-B and I was in Class 2-D. Ema and Yusuke were in the same class because our parents aren't married yet, so they're technically not siblings yet. Even so, they would have become siblings after the classes were already chosen, and the school wouldn't bother placing them in separate classes.

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