Chapter 7 - Careful

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I showered as quickly as I could, didn't want to leave Subaru waiting out there for too long. After roughly ten minutes, I'd finished and changed into my clothes. I dried my hair quickly, I never really bothered too much about walking around with wet hair, and put the towel around my shoulders. I collected my things and rushed out to where Subaru was waiting.

He was leaning back on the sofa and staring at the ceiling. Seeing that he hadn't yet noticed me, I grinned at the window of opportunity. I ran and jumped on to the sofa, startling him so much that he fell off.

"What the -" he started, then saw me and his eyes widened.

I laughed. "Sorry Suba-chan. I just had to."

He rubbed the back of his head shyly.

"Well anyway, thanks for waiting, now let's go!" I grabbed his hand and heaved him up, dragging him to my room.

I opened the door, letting go of his hand, and ran in. He stepped in a little awkwardly as I rummaged through my draws.

"The weather's getting colder, you're going to get sick if you run around with wet hair."

"Don't worry about me Su-ba-chan! I'll be fine." I continued rummaging through the draws and found what I was looking for and held it out in front of him.

"A flier?" he inquired.

"Yes, a flier. This is a flier for my friend's basketball team's game. They're playing next Thursday, and he invited me to come. He also said we'd be able to meet the team after the game. I wanted to take Ema, but she's not a big fan of basketball. You up for it?"

He surveyed the flier. "Wait, isn't that?" he mumbled.

"What's up?"

He glanced to me, a little distracted, then back to the sheet of paper he held in front of him. "We're having a practice match against this team to help them build up their skills."

"No way! That's so cool!" What are the chances of that? "So, can you come? Pleeassssee?" I begged.

He considered it for a moment and gave me a shy smile. "Sure, I-I guess I could come."

"Yesssssssss! Thank you so much!" I was so glad he decided to join.

"Oh, and can I come to that practice match too?" I asked with puppy-dog eyes.

He stared at me, for a while, brow furrowed. I kept up the look and he gave in. "Well, I can ask the coach but -"

"Thanks Suba-chan!" I said and threw my arms around him. He stiffened at my touch. "Oh, I'm sorry Subaru! I didn't know you didn't like hugs!" I drew back guiltily. His face was red.

"I-it's not that I don't like t-them..." he said quietly, avoiding my gaze. He shut his eyes tightly and spoke up. "Well, i-it's late so I'll go now," he turned and left with the flier before I even had the chance to say anything. I smiled gently to myself.

"See you, Subaru."


I woke up the next morning feeling a little tired, but nonetheless, excited. A little nervous too. I'll be going to Ema's school from today. Ema went to Hinode High, which was a good and Sora went to an Midorigaoka Academy, excellent school, chosen by his parents. I went to Seika Academy, a really good school that was quite far away to try and get my grades up and get a scholarship to Sora's school. But I have to go to Ema's school now since my old school is too far away. But I'm still going to work for that scholarship! Sora's school isn't too far and I'm sure if I work hard enough, I can get in!

I opened my curtains and window. There was a nice breeze and it looks quite early. I looked at my clock. 6 am. I took the patch off my face and looked in the mirror to see that my face was a little bruised, but the cut had scabbed and hopefully wouldn't scar. Thanks, stairs. I washed my face and put on my uniform. I admired my knee-high socks and mini-skirt for a little while. Now, to deal with my hair. I want to make a good impression, but I don't want to look snobby or too casual.

I arranged my hair many different ways, but in the end, I just decided to leave my hair down. Knock 'em dead, Yui.

I walked down the stairs and saw that no on had woken up yet, so I decided to go outside and check out the garden, since I didn't get the chance yesterday on account of my excitement and Ema getting sick.

I stepped outside and stared in awe. The blooming flowers were absolutely beautiful and the fragrance was just heavenly. I saw a massive tree and ran to it. The nearest branch was a little high up. I grinned at the challenge.

I clambered up the trunk and hauled myself onto the branch. The view was absolutely spectacular. I sat there for a while, swinging my legs, absorbing my surroundings.

I looked to my left and saw Iori tending to some flowers.

"Iori!" I called out. He spun around quickly, trying to find who had called him.

"Up here, on the tree!" I waved when he caught my eye.

He ran up to the trunk of the tree. He looked up at me worriedly.

"Chill, Iori, I'm fine!" I said as I stood up on the bough. His face grew even more concerned.

"Please don't do that!"

The look on his face twisted my heart. "Okay, I'll come down then."

I climbed down the tree rather expertly, but when I was about 1 metre from the ground, my foot slipped and I came crashing down.

But my collision with ground never came. I'd closed my eyes when I fell without even noticing. I opened my eyes to see Iori looking into my eyes. He was holding me bridal-style.

"Are you okay?" he inquired.

I nodded silently, my face burning up. He gently placed me leaning against the tree trunk and plonked down next to me, sighing with relief. I kept my face down, too embarrassed to meet his eyes.

He leaned towards me. "Yui, what's -"

I jumped up, interrupting him. "Sorry for worrying you, Iori-chan! Thank you for catching me! I have to go now. Bye!" I ran back, leaving him lost for words.

I ran inside and leaned my back against the wall, clutching my heart. Not again.

I walked into the kitchen to see Subaru, Wataru, Yusuke and Ema at the table, Ukyo in the kitchen.

"Good morning!" I said cheerfully and sat down in my chair.

"Good morning," said Ema and Wataru. Yusuke nodded in my direction. Subaru said nothing.

We're making progress, at least.

I Have How Many New Brothers?! (Brothers Conflict fanfiction)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang