Chapter 14 - Birthdays and Cake

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I went through the rest of the school day as normally as I could. What Yoshida-kun had said still stuck in my head.

Because I didn't want to be forgotten

I'd known him for years, and he's never said anything like that. But why would he say that? He looked so sad too... Even though he's done so many awful things... I... I don't want him to be sad. We were friends. Even if we're not friends anymore, his friendship wasn't meaningless to me.

When I got home, I saw Ukyo preparing meal that looked a little more extravagant than usual.

"Ukyo, are we having guests?" I asked as I plonked onto a seat.

He looked to see who had spoken and his eyes fell on me. "Yui, you're home," he smiled and turned back to his cooking. "Today is Subaru's birthday, so we're going to have a birthday party for him."

"Oh yeah, you told me that the other day. Yay, birthday party! But there's 13 of you, plus Miwa and now there's also me, Ema and Dad, are you going to have birthday parties for all of us?"

"We don't usually make a big deal out of birthdays, but Subaru's turning 20, so it's special."

"Oh..." It was silent and all you could hear was the noises of Ukyo's cooking.

I looked around the room and something felt off.

"Hey, where's Ema?" I got up slowly.

"She's gone to buy some ingredients for me."

"I wish she hadn't gone alone," I mumbled.

"What was that?"

"Oh, uh, I'm going to see if I can buy something nice for Subaru. Bye," I picked up my bag and walked out.

I soon reached the shopping district.

Okay, let's see... What would Subaru like... Something basketball related, probably...

I looked through many stores, but I couldn't seem to find anything that I thought he might like.

Don't make it a big thing, keep it simple. But not too simple.

I thought and thought. "I'll just get him a water bottle," I sighed. Not exactly spectacular, but at least he'll use it... Probably.

I looked at the water bottles and chose a grey one with blacks grips that fits really well in your hand. I hope he likes it... Even though it's such a lame present.

I decided that instead of buying him a card, I'd make him one. It's not that I'm a cheapskate, I just think cards that are made for someone are better than ones that are bought in a store.

I walked home and greeted Ukyo, before heading up to my room, beginning work on the card straight away.

I worked on it for two hours straight and admired the finished product. On the front, I drew a chibi Subaru playing basketball against one of his favourite basketball players, with 'HAPPY BIRTHDAY SUBA-CHAN!' written at the bottom. It was very colourful.

Now I opened the card and debated what to write inside. A pun? A poem?


I'll write a quote!

I took the cap off my prettiest pen and wrote carefully:

There's no such thing as a useless effort. -Kagami Taiga (Kuroko's Basketball)

Hang in there, Suba-chan!!! You can do it. I can't wait to see your name on every sports magazine ever! I'm cheering for you, so do your best and don't give up~!

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