21. We Are All Human

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"What the hell is Nate doing here?"

"What the hell are you doing here?"

"What the hell is goin on?"

Matt and Nate both have guns pointing at each other and Allen just looks really confused.

"You're supposed to be dead." Nate grits out.

"Well then I'm a ghost." Matt growls.

I look over at Allen and he nods at Nate's gun. I nod my head back in understanding. At the same time, we grab the guns out of their hands and push them back.

"No one is getting killed today." I say.

Right after my sentence shots ring out, but none of us fired the gun.

"Is Craig here?" Allen asks me.

"Yep." I say with a unamused face.

"Annie." Nate gasps and takes his gun from Allen.

He runs out of the restroom and Allen is right behind him.


Annie's POV

We get our food and start eating. We all joke around and talk about past missions. It turns out that Allen, Steve, and Miwa all lost their teams and that's why Bogo put them with me.

Nate's arm pulls me a little closer and Nikkie gives him a death stare.

"She's going to kill me." Nate whispers in my ear.

"Yeah she will, but not in public." I chuckle.

"Not unless I do this." He says.

He turns my head to face him and presses his lips against mine. I giggle but move my lips in sync to his.

Nate pulls away from the kiss and puts his hands up as Nikkie throws fries at him. He laughs and runs to the restroom. Allen laughs as well and follows him. Nikkie growls and crosses her arms.

"I ship it." Daniela says.

"You're not helping." Nikkie says.

"Not trying to help." Daniela shrugs. 

I giggle and look at Nikkie, she smiles and shakes her head. I look to my side and my heart stops.

He sees me and doesn't look away. He reaches to his side and I know he's getting a gun. I look back at everyone at the table and they see my hard glare.

"Get down!!" Nichole yells as she sees the person I saw.

Shots ring out and I get under the table. People scream and the sound of breaking glass and falling chairs and tables fill the room. Daniela gets under the table with me and dumps her purse out and passes me the stuff.

"What the hell do you want me to do with this?" I ask pulling out my gun.

"Make a bomb." She tells me.

"I'm not going to blow the place up!" I yell.

"Why not?" She asks.

"There are people in here!" I yell.

"We'll say sorry." She says.

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