28. Dammit Annie

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Annie's POV

"You ready yet?" Nikkie asks as she types away into her computer and talks through the small mic right next to her.

"Yep!" I come out from behind a black curtain and twirl around.

The suit was red with a black belt and black mask attached to it. The belt had a gun on both sides of my hips, grenades on the back, and a bowie knife on my right hip. I also have a red hood that connects with my mask so it's sure not to come off. A loud roar of ringing cuts between us and my presentation of how awesome I look.

"A whole army is shooting at us right now! Can you get a visual, Nikkie?" Nate's voice comes in.

Nikkie presses on a button and talks through the mic, "I can hear the guns from here. I have Bogo and his men on stand by if you guys need me to call them now."

"Get a visual first then we'll see if we need the back up." Steve says.

"G-guy's.. " Allen's voice was choppy and sounded as if it hurt to talk, "I'm hit. I was shot in the chest. I'll still fight but I'm going to be slow."

My heart drops and Miwa cuts into the feed, "Where are you?"

"I'm across from you, Miwa, in the other hall way. Cody can see you from where we are." Allen answers.

My body moves on it's own and I slam down on the mic button, "Give the ear piece to that dick head."

"Dammit Annie!" Everyone yells in sync.

"Oh shit." Allen chuckles. 

About ten seconds past until his voice comes through, "H-Hey beautiful."

"You sound scared, and you should be!" I yell, "I thought you were dead! I thought Craig killed you!" My voice cracks when I say killed.

Tears fall onto the desk right below me and I wipe them all away.

"I'm sorry, is there anything I can do to make it up?" He asks.

"Excuse me? Kinda about to die here!" Nate yells.

Nikkie types away and is able to bring up security cameras that we're inside and outside the building.

She looks around trough the cameras then leans to the mic, "I'm see about twenty where you guys are."

"Nothing we can't handle!" Daniela says.

"I'll be there shortly. Just listen for the bombs going off." I say.

"You are still recovering, Annie!" Nate yells, "Don't you dare get anywhere near this fight."

"Damn, you got a lot of balls to talk to her like that." Cody says.

"I've known her longer than you have,  fuck face!" Nate snaps back.

"Boys boys don't get your dicks tied up and focus on the fight." I cut between them.

"You go to them. I'm going to stay in the van and keep an eye out." Nikkie tells me.

I nod my head and lift over the hood. Nikkie grabs an ear piece, turns it on, and hands it to me. I nod my head and attach it to my ear. I leave the van and run to the loud sound of gun shots. I turn the corner and see about five men next to cars with their guns ready to fire and the rest were starting to walk inside.

"You guys have to move out of your spots right now! They are starting to make their way inside." I say.

"Annie, get away from us. If they see you then they will out number you." Steve says.

"Like I care! I want to get you guys to safety. Especially, you Cody." I say, "Because I want the pleasure of beating the shit out of you!"

"Hehehe, I know you are." He says slowly.

I look around some more then pull a grenade off my belt. I pull out the pin but hold onto the handle and quickly get as close as I could next to them. I grab another and pull the pin out with my teeth. I roll one under a truck and roll another in between the five men.

I turn around and run to the side of the mansion. The grenades go off and the shooting in the mansion stops. Some men come running out and I pull out both hand guns. I shoot anyone who comes out and make my way to the entrance. Once they stop coming I peek inside to see a few that still had their focus on everyone else. I put my guns back in their holsters and pull two more grenades out. I pull out both pins with my mouth at the same time and throw them in.

"Watch it I just threw a grenade." I say.

"Oh, so now you tell us-" Cody is cut off as the two explosions happen at the same time.  

I drop to the floor as I hear glass break and wait as complete silence rolls over the mansion. I stand up and peek my head into the glass, blood, and body covered floor.

Nate pokes his head out from under a flight of stairs and Steve and Miwa come out of a small gap in the wall.

"Cody!" I yell.

I see a blond haired head slowly making its way into view from around the corner leading into a hall.

"H-hey." As he sticks his head out my heart drops and anger starts to build up.

"Cody? Or should I call you Zach? You fucker!" I stomp my way to him but he never moves.

He tenses up as I slap him across the face. He only looks back at me and pulls down my mask. Before I can slap him again, he catches my wrist and pulls me into a kiss. More anger rises but our eyes meet and for some reason makes me stop trying to fight it and kiss him back. I pull away and punch him hard into the gut.

He hunches over and looks me up and down, "When did you get that outfit?"

I roll my eyes and walk around the corner and see Allen trying to stand. I catch him right before he falls again and put his arm over my shoulder.

"We need to get you to the van." I say.

Miwa comes around the corner and takes him from me, "Thank you, Annie. I really thought we were goners back there."

"No problem." I wave.

"Nate, watch out!" Nikkie yells through the ear piece right before a gun shot echos throughout the building.


Hey guys!

I'm hopefully back until this book is finished. Then, I'm going to redo the beginning chapters (just fixing minor detail, grammar, and spelling mistakes.)

Don't forget to vote and comment!

Follow me on Instagram! Username: jessie_lalaland!!

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