Chapter 23

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"[Y/N], what the—"

Giggling, I continued to snuggle to Yoongi's side. Soft music was playing the background since I forced Yoongi to listen with me to the radio. He, however, had my phone in his hand; scrolling through my messages just to make sure that we truly were not bothered by anyone; which was quite shocking.

"What kind of contact name is this? You're weird." Yoongi complained after seeing the name I had for him on my contacts

"Stop complaining, Yoongay." I teased

Yoongi shrugged my head off his shoulder, making me recoil and playfully glare at him as well. I pulled the duvet closer to our bodies while we were sitting up leaning on the headboard. Yoongi gave me my phone back as he heaved a heavy sigh.

"I told you they're not asking for our whereabouts." I said while setting my phone aside on top of the bedside table

Yoongi adjusted himself on the bed, wrapping an arm around me when he noticed how I continued to lean on him. With tired breaths escaping us, I let myself drown onto him and hug him by the waist as I sank lower on the bed.

"Jimin said that your parents are away. They probably still think that you're in a sleepover at their place." Yoongi said

"But what if they come back and find out what I've done? Yoongi..." I whined childishly

"You've been saying that a lot. So, what if they come back and find out what you've done?" he threw the question back at me

I lifted my head up to glare at him while he just gave me an obnoxious smile.

"We'll be separated. I don't want that to happen." I murmured

Yoongi sighed once more, pulling me even closer than before. I could not help but relax, closing my eyes and inhaling a deep breath. I froze a little when I felt Yoongi's hand land on my head, his fingers nuzzling my scalp relaxingly. A tiny smile etched on my face; enjoying these moments with Yoongi that only happen when we're together in private.

I've never had a friend do that to me; except for him; which was probably why I was terribly in love with him.

"Yoongi, what are we?" I mumbled

The words unexpectedly rolled off my tongue, making me open my eyes in shock. Yoongi stopped stroking my head, dropping his hand by my shoulder. The air grew thick as time passed by with neither of us uttering a word. I started to feel my cheeks heat up due to embarrassment but deep within me, I felt relieved that I finally asked him the question that I wanted to ask him for the longest time.

"We're humans, [Y/N]. What kind of question is that?" Yoongi chuckled off

My heart stopped, feeling empty all of a sudden. I raised my head, seeing Yoongi's smug smile.

"Min Yoongi, I swear—"

My upcoming outburst came to a halt when the radio started to play the song that I had been waiting for it to play. Like a child, my mood quickly changed as my eyes twinkled in delight. I hopped off the bed, jumping a little in joy with an enthusiastic smile on my face. 

"Come on, Yoongi! I've been waiting for this song." I cooed happily, tugging on his arm

Yoongi gave me a strange look, groaning in disagreement with what I wanted to happen.

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