Chapter 27

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"Looks like you really need to talk to him. There's a lot of things you need to know as much as he does too." Jimin stated

It was odd hearing him sound so serious and firm. It was odd hearing those words come out of his mouth; giving me a feeling I never wanted to feel again. It was the same feeling when Namjoon told me about my parents hiding something from me.

"What do you mean?" I asked with a shaky voice as we strutted towards the staircase

A sigh left his lips as his hand glided through his hair.

"I'm not in the right place to tell you. You need to see Yoongi." he said as our steps became faster

My heartbeat picked up its pace when my eyes landed on the peak of the stairs. Engulfed by the dimly-lit hallway, I could not help but think about Yoongi's reaction upon seeing me.

I yelped when someone grabbed my shoulder, startling my whole being. Quickly recoiling from the touch and staring at the person who stopped us on our tracks, my shoulders tensed down when my eyes met Jin's.

"Jimin, what is she doing here?" Jin snapped

Jin looked pissed and flabbergasted with my presence; glancing at me minimally before he returned his gaze back at Jimin. Both of them did not carry their usual ebullient eerie, having me feel sick to the stomach.

"Hyung, they need to talk." Jimin calmly said

"Talk? [Y/N] might get hurt once she gets in there. Yoongi is not stable right now. He wouldn't even talk to us." Jin piped

Jimin heaved a heavy sigh as I chewed on my lip nervously. I looked at Jimin and then to Seokjin, sighing in grief as well.

"It's now or never." Jimin let out, pulling me away from Jin

Rummaging for analyzations, my heart seemed to fail in helping me to stay calm. My eyes wandered around our surroundings and I felt the poundings on my head. Feeling nauseous and agitated with the situation, I mustered all my strength to keep up with Jimin's pace since I felt concerned and curious with Yoongi's situation.

Arriving in front of a certain door, I already felt my heart drop to the pit of my stomach. I started to question if seeing him was the right thing to do.

"I'll be waiting here." Jimin said as he gestured for me to knock on the door

Taking in a deep breath, my knuckles made contact with the door as I knocked. I exhaled, clearing my throat awkwardly.

"Yoongi? It's [Y/N]." I shakily spoke

The sound of broken glass emitted from inside; startling both Jimin and I. Jolting upwards, my heart picked up its pace as I proceeded to knock on the door numerous of times.

"Yoongi?! What's happening in there? Open this door!" I exclaimed with worry dawning at me

Jimin proceeded to knock too, calling out his name. More nerve-racking sounds of glass breaking echoed in my ears, increasing the anxiety and stress that I felt.

"Stay here, [Y/N]. I'll get the others." Jimin said, dashing quickly through the halls

Sighing deeply, silence took over the atmosphere. All I could hear was my deep breaths with my head on the door; and my clenched fist dropping to my side. The deafening sounds of glass breaking had completely vanished while I was left to wallow in anxiety and think about all the possibilities that might be happening inside Yoongi's room.


A click was heard as the door opened, revealing Yoongi; who seemed to be having complications with standing straight. With his hand clutching the door, his eyes met mine.

I let out a small gasp with my eyes widening in shock. He lost grip of the door, stumbling forward. I quickly held him by his shoulders, supporting his weight. He swatted my arms away, shocking me.


He harshly took my wrist, dragging me inside his room. He shut the door behind me, locking it. He glared at me before gripping both of my shoulders and slamming me against the door.

My breath was caught in my throat as my back felt sore. I was frozen in front of him; unable to make any move. In a blink of an eye, he slammed his lips on mine, harshly kissing me.

I felt suffocated, struggling under his grip. Bliss was not present as he moved his lips on mine while I wailed and thrashed around. The taste of alcohol stained my lips as I placed both of my hands on his chest. Mustering all my strength, I shoved him off of me.

Our ragged breaths were the only sounds that can be heard in the room. I clutched my chest, eyeing my surroundings. Broken pieces of glass were scattered everywhere as the furniture were all wrecked and misplaced. Various of objects were on his bed, staining the white sheets covering the mattress.

"You're drunk." I let out with my voice breaking

He kept his head down as I struggled to keep myself together. My lips quivered as I felt my tears welling in my eyes.

"Yoongi..." I softly called out

My eyes popped out as I gaped. Silence dawned over us with my feet glued to the ground. I grew stiff, seeing tears roll down Yoongi's cheeks.

"[Y/N], lie to me again." he breathed

He lifted his head up, staring at me directly. A gasp escaped my mouth, seeing the grief and desperation in his eyes. He no longer looked angry but instead, he looked broken.

Tears started to come out of my eyes as well, watching his every move while I stayed put. The will of motion was taken from me, seeing Yoongi take a shaky step closer to me. My legs started to shake as soon as Yoongi brought a hand up to wipe his tears away.

Yoongi let his hand glide through my hair, keeping it away from my face. My teary eyes did not leave his as he leant my head on his chest. He placed his chin on the top of my head, holding me by my back. I noisily sobbed on his chest, shakily wrapping my arms around him.

"Lie to me and tell me, you're here to stay." he said with his voice cracking

I tightened my grip around him, sobbing and sniffling louder than before.

"I-I'm sorry." I stuttered out, proceeding with my cries

Yoongi let out a sigh, gently and soothingly rubbing circles on my back.

"Don't be. I deserve this." he croaked

I shook my head on his chest, drenching his clothing. Yoongi reeked of alcohol; making me feel guilty since I was the reason for his pain. He drank because he wanted to make it go away.

"I deserve this, [Your nickname]."

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