Ch. 6 I want my best friend back

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It's been a week since Cassandra and Sam last saw each other. Cassandra wanted to stay by Bella's side because her best friend has been depressed over Edward's departure. Even though Cassandra never met Edward, she's angry that he has made her best friend suffer. Each night, Bella screamed in agony calling out to Edward and telling him to stay. Cassandra and Charlie have been worried about Bella ever since. 

Cassandra decided to check up on Bella. She opens the door to Bella's room and enters seeing her best friend sitting down on a chair with her arms around her. She frowned noticing Bella's pale skin getting more paler than usual. In her opinion, Bella has started to look like a living zombie with circles under her eyes and her bones slowly appearing on her skin since she hasn't eaten for a week. She walks towards Bella and stands by her side looking out the window. 

" Bella..." Cassandra speaks up.

Bella stays quiet. 

" Wanna hang out?" Cassandra asked her. 

Bella didn't say a word to Cassandra.

Cassandra sighed sadly. 

" I wanna help you, but I can't help you with this silent treatment you are giving me" She looks at Bella. " What happened to the Bella that I know who always smile and laugh when we go to the Zoo or swim at the lakes" She stared at Bella's head.

Bella didn't look at Cassandra. 

Cassandra shook in anger feeling annoyed by Bella's silent treatment towards her. She tries to help her best friend but Bella won't even opened up to her. 

" Fine! Stay gloomy if you want. He probably left you because he never loved you in the first place!" She snapped in anger. 

Bella's eyes narrowed when Cassandra said that. She turned her head back to look at Cassandra in the eyes.

" You don't know Edward as I do!" She angrily shouts at Cassandra. " Edward loves me so much, and he will come back for me!" Tears fell from Bella's eyes. 

Cassandra's expression becomes blank as she cries as well.

" I want my best friend back!" She turns around and runs out of the room feeling angry. 

Charlie was sitting in the living room watching TV when he heard the shouting. He turned his head back seeing Cassandra running down the stairs with an angry expression on her face. Cassandra held a black bag close to her as she opened the front door and slammed it when she got out. Charlie frowned wondering what happened between his daughter and Cassandra that caused Cassandra to run out of the house in anger. 

Cassandra continued to walk down the block as she pulled out her cell phone. She looked through her contacts when her eyes stopped by Sam's name. She didn't know why but she wanted to see him. She pressed Sam's name as his number popped out waiting for Sam to pick up the phone. A few seconds later, Sam picked up the phone sounding very happy that Cassandra called him since he hasn't heard of her for a week. 

" S-Sam!" Cassandra stuttered feeling angry and sad at the same time. 

Sam's happiness vanished when he heard his imprintee's sad voice. His expression becomes serious wondering what happened to make his imprintee sound upset. 

" What's wrong?" Sam asked.

" P-Pick me up please...." Cassandra whispered to Sam, but he still heard her. 

" On my way" Sam tells her. " Continue to talk to me please" He walks out of the house and enters his brown truck. 

Cassandra continued to talk with Sam feeling relax to hear his voice. Thirty minutes later, a brown truck appeared in front of Cassandra. 

" Cassandra" Sam speaks up looking at her with worried eyes. 

Cassandra looks forward feeling happy to see Sam. She walks towards the truck and gets on putting her seat belt around her waist. She stayed quiet hugging her black bag close to her chest. 

Sam decided to take Cassandra to the reservation. Throughout the ride, Sam kept glancing at Cassandra to make sure that she's okay. Seeing her upset breaks his heart and he wished he knew what's going on. He arrived at his place and parked the truck. He gets out of the truck and walks to the other side helping his imprint out of the truck.

" Thanks..." Cassandra whispered. 

Sam and Cassandra walked towards the house. Sam opens the door and lets Cassandra in the house. He tells her to make herself at home which she did. Cassandra threw her black bag on the couch as she falls on the couch hiding her face on the pillow. Sam walked towards the kitchen and decided to make tea for his imprint. 

" I want my best friend back..." Cassandra mumbled. " I know what I said was mean, but I was so frustrated by her silent treatment" She started to feel comfortable inside Sam's house. " When I see Edward, I'm going to kill him!" She sounded very serious about her threat. 

Sam enters the living room with a cup of tea in his hand. He passed the cup of tea to Cassandra who happily accepts it. 

" Edward? Edward Cullen" He blinks.

Cassandra nods at him.

" You know him?" She asked.

Sam nods his head.

" We aren't good friends" He tells her. " I don't want to be mean, but I'm glad that he left Forks" He honestly tells her. 

Cassandra didn't get mad at Sam because he was stating his opinion. She started to calm down by drinking the tea and being in the same room as Sam. She closed her eyes and began to fall asleep. Sam noticed Cassandra falling asleep as he takes the teacup out of her grasp and gently lays her on the couch. He stands up and grabs a blanket from the cabinet placing it over Cassandra. He didn't know what to do, so he decided to watch over Cassandra and make sure nothing terrible happens to her while she sleeps. 

She's The Reason I Live [ Twilight Fanfic/ Sam Love Story] (Complete)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें