Ch. 23 Don't leave us

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Cassandra stays inside the Uley house with Embry and Jared. Sam and the others left the house to meet up with the Cullens at the place where the battle would take place. Cassandra sits down on the couch wearing a worried expression on her face. She's worried for Sam and the others and hopes that they take down Victoria and her army. She looks forward seeing Embry and Jared in their wolf forms patrolling around the house in case any vampires come their way. She sighed laying on the couch feeling bored. 

" Sam..." Cassandra whispers. " Please come back to me safe and sound" She closed her eyes and takes a nap. 

Sam and his pack arrived at the destination. 

His main priority now is to protect both his imprint and unborn child with his life. With all the training he had during the past months. He's ready to rip some vampires apart and watch them burn. His main target, however, is Riley Biers who knows Cassandra's scent and would do anything to have her blood. He's not going to let Riley go near Cassandra because he would bite his head off first. 

' Why did Jared and Embry get to stay back with Cassandra?' Seth asked in every wolf's mind. ' I wanna stay by her side' He whined.

' Shut up, kid' Paul growled.

' You shut up, Paul' Leah growls feeling protective of her little brother. 

' Quiet you three!' Sam snaps not in the mood of playing around. ' Be serious. We have to be ready when those leeches arrive' He informs them. 

' Sam. Let me take Seth to Bella and Edward. I trust Seth to watch over Bella' Jacob tells Sam. ' Leah. I know you don't want Seth to fight in the battle. So he'll be safer with them' He turns to Leah. 

' Fine' Leah nods her head. 

' Sweet! I get to see Bella and Edward' Seth sounded happy that he gets to be with them. 

Jacob and Seth left the group. 

' Sam. The Cullens said that the enemy has arrived' Quil informed him.  

' Everyone. Get in your positions!' Sam orders his pack. ' Embry! Jared! How's Cassandra?' He asked. 

' Cassandra is doing well. She's asleep on the couch' Jared informed him. ' Embry and I have been patrolling around the house in case any leeches come by' He tells him. 

' Good. Keep me updated' Sam sounded relief to know that Cassandra is okay. 

Alice and Jasper jump down from the trees.

" They're here!" Alice shouts.

Everyone looks forward seeing a group of newborn vampires entering the field. They hissed at the sight of the wolves because their scent burns their noses. The Cullens don't like the wolves' scent but they have slowly got accustomed to it. They charged towards them as the Cullens and wolves worked together. 

At the Uley house, Cassandra wakes up from her nap with a growling stomach. She gets off of the couch and walks towards the kitchen. She hums happily and decided to make herself a sandwich with chips and a drink.

Embry checks Cassandra often to see how she's doing. He sees Cassandra in the kitchen making herself food to eat. He smiled as he looks away from Cassandra towards the forest eyeing every movement in sight. He has gotten very protective of Cassandra when she announced that she's pregnant with Sam's child. He'll risk his life to protect Cassandra because she's a dear friend of his and her unborn child. 

Cassandra cut the sandwich in half with a knife. She winced a little when she accidentally cut her finger. She looks seeing blood coming out from her finger. She puts her finger in her mouth and sucks the blood off. What she didn't know is that even though only a little blood came out from her finger. The scent of her blood is so strong that the wind picked up and blows the scent towards the area where Riley Biers is heading to Bella's location. 

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