Ch. 11 I love you so much

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Cassandra called Charlie from Billy's place. She explained the situation to Charlie and told him that she's staying at the reservation until Bella calms down. Charlie asked Cassandra for his forgiveness. Cassandra tells Charlie that it's not his fault. Charlie tells Cassandra that he'll have a word with Bella when he gets home from work. 

" Charlie, please don't get mad at Bella. She's going through so much because of Edward" She mumbles not liking Edward that much because he's making Bella go through so much.  

" Alright. Be careful Cassandra" Charlie tells her. " Say hi to Billy for me" He smiled. 

" Will do" Cassandra smiled.

She hangs up and puts her cell phone away. She turns around seeing Sam leaning against the door. 

" Wanna sleep over at my place?" Sam asked.

Cassandra blushed. 

" Sure!" She nods her head. 

Sam smiled taking Cassandra's right hand with his. He shouts at the others that he's taking Cassandra to his place.

Cassandra looks at Sam and smiled. 

Sam and Cassandra step out of the house. 

Cassandra stood by watching Sam jog towards the forest and transform into his wolf form. She walks towards him and gets on his back. Her hands lightly grasped his black fur as he starts to run towards his place which isn't far from the Blacks house. She laughs happily feeling the wind on her face as her long wavy blonde hair swayed. 

Sam smiled feeling happy that Cassandra is having fun. He looks forward seeing his house in the distance. He stops running letting Cassandra get off of his back. He watched Cassandra walked towards his house and enters. He transformed back to his human self and grabbed a pair of shorts that were hidden in some bushes. He puts his shorts on and walks out of the bushes and heads towards the house. 

Cassandra got herself comfortable on the couch and smiled when she sees Sam. She scoots over and lets Sam sit on the couch next to her. 

Sam sat down and puts his right arm behind Cassandra's back. He turned his head to the right and looks at her with worried eyes. 

" How are you feeling?" He asked.

Cassandra grabs the remote and turns the TV on. She lays her head on Sam's shoulder feeling comfortable.

" I'm feeling better. Still sad that Bella thinks I betrayed her" She sighs sadly. " When I see Edward. I am going to punch him in the face!" Her eyes narrowed wearing a serious expression on her face. 

Sam chuckles.

" I would love to see that" He held Cassandra's left hand as he stares at her. " Cassandra, I would never leave you" He grasped her hand lightly. " You mean so much to me" He whispers as he eyes her lips. " I love you so much and all I want is for you to be happy" He slowly leans forward. 

Cassandra blushed.

She closed her eyes feeling Sam's lips against hers. Her heart started to beat rapidly feeling her body being electrocuted even though she doesn't feel any pain. She wraps her arms around Sam's neck kissing him deeper. A couple of minutes later, she pulls back to catch her breath looking at Sam in awe. She smiled enjoying the kiss so much because it was her first kiss and she's happy that she did it with the man she loves. 

 Sam looks at Cassandra with loving eyes. He lets go of her hand and gently places his hand on her right cheek. He lightly rubs her cheek with his thumb. He can't help but feel like he did something good to deserve such a beautiful imprint. He gently placed his forehead against hers and smiled.

" Cassandra...." Sam whispers. " I don't know what I did to deserve such a beautiful imprint but I am glad you are in my life" He wraps his arms around her waist and pulls her onto his lap. " If you are ever in trouble. Just call my name and I'll be by your side in a heartbeat" He looks at her in the eyes.

Tears welled up in Cassandra's eyes. 

" S-Sam" She stuttered feeling her heart going to explode in happiness. " I love you so much! Meeting you is my favorite memory" She cries attacking Sam with a hug. 

Sam smiled hugging Cassandra close to him. He closed his eyes feeling relax knowing his imprint is safe in his arms. He blushed when he smelt her scent which reminded him of strawberries and vanilla. He sighs happily not wanting to let go of Cassandra because she is his world. He reopened his eyes when he hears a phone ring which grabbed their attention and frowns when Cassandra lets go of him to pick up the phone. 

" Damn phone taking my Cassandra's attention away from me" Sam mumbled. " I wonder who's calling her?" He whispered staring at Cassandra's back. 

Cassandra listened to the person on the other line and froze when she hears the other person telling her that her mother got into a car accident and that she's in the hospital. Her body started to shake which Sam noticed. She thanks the person and hangs up the phone turning to Sam. 

" S-Sam!" She cries sounding very broken as she falls on her knees. 

Sam's eyes widened immediately going to Cassandra's side. He asked Cassandra what's wrong but Cassandra just hides her face on his chest. He stayed quiet letting Cassandra cry as he comforts her. The crying stops as he looks down at her. He noticed Cassandra has fallen asleep. He held Cassandra close to his chest as he stands up. He turns around and walks up the stairs to his room. He gently lays Cassandra on the bed and puts the covers on her. His eyes saddened wondering what happened to cause his imprint so much pain. 

She's The Reason I Live [ Twilight Fanfic/ Sam Love Story] (Complete)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant