Chapter FourteenPointFive

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Chapter 14.5


Rylan Sauron

I didn’t think that I’d meet you here like this,’ his deep voice chuckled. ‘It’s about time.’

My head whipped around and met two piercing black eyes. His stature towered over me by a couple of inches and his skin seemed to have a certain glow to it. It looked at if he was on fire. I expected my wolf to be here, not this… This…

Demon?’ he chuckled as he shook his head. ‘I still have control over your mind. How amazing.’

“Who the hell are you!?” I demanded, trying to make out of what was around me. Everything was dark and the only light was emanating from the glow of his skin.

Why I was your wolf,’ he laughed again, glowing a bit brighter by the second. I frowned, not liking this one bit. He couldn’t be my wolf. He looks more like a- ‘Demon? I really do find this mind reading ability very useful. I was only kidding my boy. I am actually a crossbreed between a magik and werewolf.’

“Your presence radiates evil and power. I’m very sure that you are a demon.” Magiks are powerful creatures, yes. However, they were the most peaceful creatures in the world.

I really do blame all of those training sessions with your father. You never got to learn any of our world’s history. Demons are either born or made. Demons can be made through the bite of another demon or through the abuse of dark magic. In my case, I am neither. I had a twin brother who was very much like my father. They both loved to use dark magic. Little by little, Demetrius began to turn into a demon. Before he can fully turn into one, I took him away and we ran away from home. My mother was never there for my father wasn’t her true mate. Much like you, we were the products of rape.”

“I don’t give a damn about your life story! I just want to go back to my mate,” I growled, throwing my fist into the air. Surprisingly, my fist just went through him. I knew right then and there that everything was true. He is a demon.

Actually, your mate is very much involved in this issue as my brother and I are. Long ago, the shifter’s kingdom crowned its last Royal. Her name was Arabella too,’ he looked at me, as if asking my permission to go on. I nodded and waited for him to continue. ‘It’s not a coincidence that your mate has the same name as sweet Arabella. She is her great grandmother, you know.’

“What does her grandmother have to do with all of this?”

You need to stop interrupting and let me finish, pup. Arabella was very beautiful. Her long red hair cascaded down her back and her piercing green eyes had many men falling for her. One of them was my brother. Demetrius was enchanted by her beauty and found out that he was her mate. Unfortunately, weeks after his revelation Arabella announced that she was going to marry the strongest Alpha Male in the world- Lucian. Demetrius got really angry and demanded that Arabella sees him. She found that Demetrius was also her mate. They saw each other secretly, for the King was aware of our family’s history. They planned to run away together the day she was to wed Lucian. Demetrius waited for hours, but she never came to their meeting place. When Demetrius got back into the kingdom, he found out that Arabella has married Lucian and that she was already a month pregnant,’ he let out a dry laugh as his body started to illuminate more and more.

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