Chapter TwentyOne

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Chapter 21

Arabella Baine

The scouts have reported no mishaps or infiltrations from Baine’s pack members. The injured pack members were doing well. I closed my eyes, praying to the Spirits that Ella would get the strength and pu-

“Hey,” Jake breathed out, standing awkwardly with his hands in his pockets. His face was like a open book to his soul. Nervousness, anxiety, fear and sorrow swam around his tired eyes.

“Hello,” I nodded, watching as he walked over to me with hesitant steps.

“I wanted to apologize for everything, Bells,” the nickname sounded so foreign to me now. I cringed inwardly at his use of it.

“You have nothing to apologize to me for,” I shrugged, watching his face fall even deeper. “I am not the one who lost her child or is bed ridden. You should grovel at her feet and beg for her forgiveness, not mine.”

The look in his eyes gave my stomach and heart a funny feeling. It made it very unbearable for me to turn and walk away, but I did. I had to do it before guilt consumed my whole being and forces me to tell the truth. To tell him that Ella’s daughter is safe and sound and that Ella was in love with him. I shook my head, trying to get a hold of myself. They would not learn anything if I confess now.

“Where is Nicolai?” I asked Beatrice, who was making a huge pot of vegetable soup for the wounded pack members.

“He requested to be moved back into his room this morning. Right next to the office,” she gave me a small smile before going back to her cooking.

“Thank you,” I pivoted to the right and stalked my way towards his room.

My hand reached for the doorknob, but I hesitantly pulled it back. What if he was still asleep and recovering from his injuries? Damn it, he didn’t need to defend me. I had it under control.

“Come in,” he cried out from the other side of the door.

I ripped the door opened and closed it softly. “How?”

“Your mere presence oozes of power and authority. Well, Rylan’s does too, but yours is more prominent,” he gave me a lopsided grin before trying to sit up. A hiss of pain escaped his lips, making me rush over o his side and assist him.

“Glad to know you’ve familiarize yourself with my scent very well,” I chuckled lightly, fluffing his pillows. “How’s my oh-so-heroic werewolf hero?”

“Couldn’t have been better,” he chuckled lightly, looking over me with an indescribable emotion in his eyes. “How about you, my Luna in distress?” His fingertips felt cold against my cheeks as he glided them around in circular motions.

“Same,” I breathed out, closing my eyes at how comfortable and calming his touch has made me. “You didn’t need to-“

His fingers pressed against my lips, making me shut my mouth tightly. “I wanted to do it. My wolf did too. It was almost like instinct for both of us to protect you,” he removed his fingers from my lips, but did not stop exploring my face. His pointer traced my lips softly, causing my heart to beat against my chest erratically and my eyes to flutter close once again. “There’s something about you that draws me in, Arabella. I don’t know what it is, but I’m afraid it will be the death of me.”

At that, my eyes snapped open and looking over his enchanting brown eyes. “Why is that?” I croaked out as my knees began to buckle.

“That has yet to be uncovered,” he sighed, looking at me with such overwhelming emotions in his eyes.

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