Saint Nicholas Is Also A Girl

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One of the nurses, Violet, hands me a clipboard as I pass the nurse's station.

"Bay one. Complaining of a week-long headache."

I nod and review the chart before opening the curtain. The girl on the bed smiles at me.

"Hello, Andrew."

Nicki is seated on the bed in front of me. I do my best to keep the professional patient and doctor atmosphere.

"How long has your headache lasted?"

"I don't have a headache. I have important information for you."

"If there is no underlying issue, I'll have to release you."

"It's about Luci."

Now she has my attention. She smirks as I stop flipping the papers and look at her.

"She hasn't had a successful pregnancy yet because the baby won't be proper."

"What do you mean?"

"All of the babies would have died, even if her brothers hadn't stepped in."

"What do you mean by that?"

A nurse calls for me over the PA system. Nicki starts to glance around, clearly nervous.

"I've said too much already. I need to leave."

"At least tell me your name."

"Nicholas. Patron saint of children."

"Isn't Nicholas supposed to be a boy?"

"Just like Lucifer?"

"Fair point. At least tell me how we can make the baby proper."


She vanishes into thin air. I walk out of the room as if nothing happened. I look at Violet.

"Can you call CT and tell them to fit her in?"

She nods. When she goes to prep the patient, she panics upon discovery that she vanished.

"She probably second-guessed her choice. She was skittish when I was in there with her."

"You don't seem too upset, Dr. Cole."

"She was faking it. I know we have to treat patients, but she clearly had no physical or mental issue."

Violet nods and hands me the next chart. Throughout the rest of the day, Nicki's words float through my head.

"...the baby won't be proper."

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