A Simple Request

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Sejin: He's inside

(Y/N): Okay...

(I get inside a small room and see a man standing up when he saw me enter. I was expecting some kind of an old bussinessman but it was just a guy in his 20s wearing a blue t-shirt and he had an innocent face.)

(Y/N): Yes?

Man: Hello Miss.(L/N). My name is Junpyo. U know me maam

(Y/N): Ugh......

Junpyo: I....I clean the bathrooms here maam..

(Y/N): Oh ryt....ryt...Junpyo...

(Do I look like I know who cleans the bathrooms around here. Why does he even wanna talk to me?)

*Sejin closes the door*

(Y/N): So....um..What do u want Junpyo?

Junpyo: I only have a simple request maam.

(Y/N): And what is it?

Junpyo: I want you to do something for me maam

(Y/N): Um...depends on what it is

Junpyo: U see maam I have a sister. Her name is Jaebok. She has been a HUGE BTS fan ever since they debuted. But our family is a little poor, so she never went to a concert or even a fansign

(Y/N): Well... what does ur sister has anything to do with me?

Junpyo: Maam...I really care for her. And..she is a bit....mentally unstable...

(Y/N): Does she have a mental problem?

Junpyo: Yes maam. Sometimes she becomes too furious or sometimes too sad that she cries all night without any reason.

(Y/N): Well I'm a stylist Junpyo. I think what ur looking for is called a "doctor"

Junpyo: Maam...it has been her life long dream to meet BTS and..she wants to meet her "husband"...

(Y/N): What??


Junpyo: U see maam. Jaebok is completely in love with Mr.Min Yoongi. So in love that she actually thinks they are both married

(What the hell?? Thats just.....creepy and stupid at the same time...but i shouldnt judge)

(Y/N): What the....thats not love....its called obssession

Junpyo: Plz maam. Dont say that. She is just sick

(Y/N): Alright my apologies. But what do u want with me?

Junpyo: I have noticed that ur the closest to them despite even being their stylist. Ur also a dear friend so......

(Y/N): So?...

Junpyo: Could u take my sister and let her meet BTS in secret?


(Y/N): NO OF COURSE NOT! I have no right to do that!

Junpyo: Maam plz...she only wants to meet them. She has been going crazy lately at home and we cant control her.

(Y/N): Look...just because u work here and ur sister is a fan, doesnt mean that u have the advantage of bringing her here. I understand she is sick, really I do....but u cant use me..-

Junpyo: No maam! I'm not using u at all! Its just a request. Can u plz just tell Bang PD-Nim that she is a friend of urs and she wanted to see BTS so u brought her here. Plz maam.

(Y/N): Absolutely not. U talk to PD-nim abt that.

(I start to walk out the door but he stops me)

Junpyo: Plz maam I beg you!

(Y/N): Do u even know that what ur asking is illegal? U clearly know the rules that it doesnt matter who works here, nobody from that person's family or friends are allowed to come here just because they know each other, unless that person has the authority or the permission to do so. If anybody breaks that rule, they might lose their job or worse: jailtime.

Do u want to lose ur job? Do u want to go to jail, Junpyo?

(Y/N): No maam. Of course not but....plz...my sister really loves Mr.Min Yoongi.
She even got a car for him!

(Y/N): A car???

(Thats when Sejin opens the door)

Sejin: Ughh (Y/N)?

(Y/N): Sejin? What is it?

Sejin: I think you better come with me.

(Y/N): What happened?

Sejin: Um...you'll see..

I Fell In Love With A Ghost (A Min Yoongi Ff).               #LOVEYOURSELFAWARDSWhere stories live. Discover now