Nothing Stays The Same

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*Phone rings*

(Y/N): Zzzzzzzzzzz

*Phone continues to ring*

(Y/N): Mmmmm

*Phone keeps ringing*

(Y/N): What the-?

(I look at the clock and see that is 3:07 at night. Yoongi is calling me now to say he reached home? I'm gonna kill him)
(I pick up the phone and say in a sleepy but a slightly angry tone)

(Y/N): Ur calling me now? What is wrong with u Yoongi?

Sejin: (Y/N) its me Sejin

(I quickly get up and be more cautious to what Sejin says next. Why is he even calling me)

(Y/N): Oh..Sejin whats wrong?

Sejin: Its abt Yoongi, u better come to the hospital

(Y/N): What? What are u saying? Hospital?!

Sejin: Come to the "Health & Care Seoul Hospital" Come quickly.

(Y/N): What the hell happened?!?!

Sejin: Yoongi......he had a car accident....

( When I heard those words as if time stopped for a second. As if my spine cracked and my skull broken into thousand pieces and my heart? Into millions. The blood rushed to my brain and I could feel the heat and fear consume me.)


Sejin: Just come on!

(I quickly get up from the bed. Grab a black coat, wear my home sandles and get out of my apartment as fast as I can)

(There were no cabs on the street. I ran to the main road, but there was none. Not even one. Thats when I decided I'll run there. The hospital is near but its still kinda far away if I go on foot. But I had to make a decision. I took my sandles in my hand and ran down the street as fast as I could. While I was running  I was trying to process everything Sejin told. in hospital? He had a car accident? No.....Oh God no! Plz...plz...I want him to stay.....I want to stay with him....)
(Tears started to roll down my cheeks and making my vision blurred. I tripped on some stones but I get up with all strength. I couldnt run anymore but I was still running. I couldnt breathe anymore but I was still breathing. Only for Yoongi)

(Y/N): You promised u'd reach home.....u promised....its not fair u idiot....

( I finally reach the hospital and go inside)
(Ppl were staring at me bcuz I was panting hard, sweating, my hair all crazy and bare feet. But I didnt care. I just wanted to reach Yoongi.)

Nurse: Maam! Are u alright?

(Y/N): Yoong...yoongi...

Nurse: I'm sorry?

(Y/N): Min Yoongi? The patient who was in a car accident! Where is he?!

Nurse: He's in the ICU Maam....

(I quickly run down the hallway and see many guards up ahead. I pushed most of them so I could keep running but one of them grabbed me)

(Y/N): No I have to go!! Plz!

Guard: You cant maam, no reporters are-


(I see Namjoon standing in the front of the ICU room)

(Y/N): Namjoon!!!!

(He looked at me and so did the rest of the guys.)

Taehyung: Hey! HEY! Cut it out! She's our friend!

I Fell In Love With A Ghost (A Min Yoongi Ff).               #LOVEYOURSELFAWARDSWhere stories live. Discover now