Its A Lonely Road

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(I lie down on my bed with a huge thud noise. Tired from the long exhaughsting day.)

(Y/N): Uggh....finally....

*Phone rings*

(Y/N): Ughh shut up...

*Phone conitunes to ring*.

(Y/N): God..shut up!

*Landline starts to ring*


(I get up from the bed and go near the phone)

(Y/N):  Someone better be dead for all I care

(I pick up the phone)

(Y/N): Hello?

Yoongi: How long does it take to pick up ur goddamn phone?

(Y/N): Yoongi?

Yoongi: Are u gonna come down or not?

(Author's note: Reminds u of something? ;-)  )

(Y/N): Yoongi?? Come down? What do u mean?

Yoongi: Look out ur window.

(I go near my window and see Yoongi in that car. But he was alone.)
(I quickly get out of my apartment and run down the stairs to meet him)

Yoongi: Took u long enough.

(Y/N): What....are u doing here? Did u even tell anyone that-

Yoongi: Yes yes, Sejin knows. Relax

(Y/N): Well...why are u here then?

Yoongi: Looks like u had a long tiring day

(Y/N): So did you. U should rest

Yoongi: Nah...I feel like taking a ride today. Go to the country side. Breathe some fresh hair.

(Y/N): Thats a drastic change for the Yoongi I know who only sleeps all day

Yoongi: Well...things change...

(I just smile a little)

Yoongi: So what do u say?

(Y/N): What?

Yoongi: Come on. Lets take a ride

(Y/N): Me?? Are u alone?

Yoongi: Why?? U nervous?
(He says in a teasing tone)

(Y/N): Please....

( I get inside the car on the left side of the driver's seat and  he starts the engine)

*An hour later*

(We are already on the mountaneous side and the sun is shining brightly. The road goes on and on and on but no one else seems to be here. Its a very lonely road. Hardly no one ever visits the country side anymore. They should. Its beautiful, everuthing's green and the air is fresh. Feels too good)

Yoongi: Feeling better?

(Y/N): Mmm yeah...the wind feels great..

Yoongi: Glad I took u with me

(Y/N): Why?

Yoongi: I dont know...just because...

(I look at Yoongi but he was just staring at the road and smiling a bit. His one hand on the wheel while the other rested on the side of the window suporting his head)

(Y/N): Well i guess ur still you.

Yoongi: What do u mean?

(Y/N): Well...normally idols really dont appreciate things like these. Like how ordinary ppl just go on a long drive. They think they're too busy or....they just dont care...

Yoongi: It doesnt matter how much famous I become (Y/N), I am still me

(Y/N): Yeah...but I was scared...

Yoongi: Of what?

(Y/N): U know....that..we wont really talk anymore..To be honest...and...I think I speak on behalf of all Armys....

Yoongi: Yeah?

(Y/N): I wanted you to win the Billboards but... I also didnt want u to at the same time.

Yoongi: What why?

(Y/N): Cause I guess....we knew that everything will never be the way it was before....we wont have those times back again when u guys were just this rookie group that everyone loved. And look at u now...hehe...collaborating with global artists. Everything's changed Yoongi......

Yoongi: I guess it has....

(Now that I actually think abt it....during one of the english interviews when they were asked if they had any future plans for BTS, none of them replied really. Cause they dont know..they achieved everything they wanted..
Daesang, Billboards...
Am I the only one who is scared? Scared bcuz they dont know what they would do? Scared that they might soon.......disband?)
(Tears started to cloud my eyes slowly when I thought abt this and I guess Yoongi noticed bcuz he was staring at me)

Yoongi: Look...Life goes on, and we are embraced with different situations everyday. Just like they say
" Change the situation, dont let the situation change you "
I'm still me (Y/N)

(Y/N): Yeah...ik..but ppl change Yoongi

Yoongi: How?

(Y/N): Fame changes ppl

Yoongi: Well dont worry. I'm not one of them

(He says and gives me a small sweet smile, and it melts my heart and gives me hope. Srsly.....Yoongi is the only one who makes me feel....relaxed and calm. He was always the one.)
(And we drive on the lonely road)

*During Nighttime*

(Y/N): Thx for the drive. I had fun

Yoongi: No problem. See ya

(Y/N): Yoongi...

Yoongi: Hmm?

(Y/N): Lets do drives like this more in the future. If u want to that is

Yoongi: Yeah sure. Here, this is for you

(Y/N): What is it?

(Yoongi hands me a silver ring that says "BTS" on it)

(Y/N): Umm...isnt this urs?

Yoongi: It used to be. I bought another one. U can have this.

(Y/N): No...I cant...take this..

Yoongi: I insist. Take it as a "thank you" present.

(Y/N): Thank me for what?

Yoongi: For everything u've done

(Y/N): Hehe...I just make u guys look good. Ur success is bcuz of u guys

Yoongi: No. Thats not true
U supported us all the way. And ur our friend. Do u understand? Ur important.
I could've given this ring to anyone else from the staff but I gave it to u. So take care of it.

(Y/N): Okay..thank are u gonna go home now?

Yoongi: I'll just take a drive along the river...and I'll go home

(Y/N): You better call me when u have reached the dorm

Yoongi: What why?

(Y/N): To know ur back safely. I aint trusting u

Yoongi: Yeah whatever...

(Y/N): Promise me

Yoongi: Ya okay. Promise.

Author's note: Well that was a bit romantic wasnt it? And i guess the conversation part in the car was what most Armys wanted to tell BTS. Comment If u can relate.

I Fell In Love With A Ghost (A Min Yoongi Ff).               #LOVEYOURSELFAWARDSWhere stories live. Discover now