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There are five stages you face when you've lost someone very important to you, someone, that held a big place in your heart.


"No! She isn't gone! She's still alive, she's only playing. She loves games and you know that. She's not gone, she's just playing."


"She's gone and it hurts so much. It's like having my heart ripped out of me while a thousand knives occupy it. I can't fell anything, it's all numb."


"She's gone and it's all my fault! I could've saved her! I could've stopped all of this and she'd be right here. It's all my fault! I'm a horrible sister, the worst twin ever."


"I'll kill them! I'll kill them all! I won't stop until they're all dead. I'll rip out their limbs one by one. I'll show them how it felt to lose her."

And finally, acceptance.

"She's gone and there's nothing I can do about it. It hurts but she wouldn't want me to be like this."

I've been through all of them. After losing my twin sister, I broke down and my heart shattered into a million pieces, never to be found again.

But they were all found, all collected and placed together, forming a new heart. Hopefully, this new heart won't ever break because...

I don't think I'll be able to handle it.

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