| chapter thirteen |

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' she loved her heart
whenever they touched it '

THE DOORS TO THE THRONE ROOM OF THE VOLTURI CASTLE were pushed open and in entered Aro Volturi, the leader of the coven, with a great big smile, his eyes shining brightly as happiness emitting off of him

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THE DOORS TO THE THRONE ROOM OF THE VOLTURI CASTLE were pushed open and in entered Aro Volturi, the leader of the coven, with a great big smile, his eyes shining brightly as happiness emitting off of him.

"What has made you so happy, brother?" Caius asked as he rolled his eyes, his legs crossed over one another as he sat gracefully with a book in his hand, eyes scanning the paper but his mind not focusing on the book. The giftless king had been in a bad mood for the past week as he didn't like the fact that his mate was ignoring him as well as the others.

"It seems our Sofia is finally accepting us." He answered with a gleeful smile, practically skipping to his throne. Marcus gently placed down his book to glance at his brother while Caius straightened up.

"And how would you know that?"

"Well, I just saw the twins sleeping with. They were all cuddled up which proves that she's finally warming up to us." Caius felt his mood brighten, a smile tugging on his lips while Marcus saw the twin's bond with their mate glow brighter.

"It seems that their bond is glowing brighter." Marcus acknowledged out loud, a small smile gracing his lips as happiness bloomed in his chest; it's warmth spreading to familiar places. Marcus Volturi enjoyed feeling this warmth again. After losing Didyme, his first mate, he felt lost, as if he would never find a companion for the rest of his life but oh how he was wrong.

The three finally felt hope cherish in their bodies as they realised that they might just have a chance with their mate, all thanks to the twins and Sofia's change of heart.

In the other room, a young blonde hybrid mumbled something inaudible as her ocean blue eyes fluttered open, her back arching backwards as she stretched. She turned on her side, eyes blinking the haziness away. Once her vision was clear, Sofia's eyes travelled upwards only to see Alec's face.

"Ahhh!" Sofia yelped as she moved back only to crash into Jane, who wrapped an arm around her to stable her movements.

"Shhh, it's okay. It's just us." Jane cooed in her ear, her hand rubbing circles on the hybrids hip. Sofia instantly relaxed, the touch of her mate's hand calming her. The sparks ran through the girl's veins, igniting a shiver of pleasure in her body.

"Sofia, what were you dreaming about?" Alec asked as he remembered what happened last night. He stroked her warm cheek with his cold finger, enjoying the sparks that ran through both of them. Sofia furrowed her eyebrows in confusion before the dream flashed before her eyes.

"I...I was in a clearing, and you two were there along with the others." Sofia started, referring to the kings. "But it suddenly got darker, and you all started to fade." Sofia whimpered as she recalled the memory. Alec squeezed her hand comfortingly. "You guys were about to disappear, and I didn't know what to do so I grabbed onto your wrist and all of sudden you were all back," Sofia told them, and Jane realised that she was dreaming about how their bond was fading because she kept ignoring them, but when she grabbed Jane's wrist, they felt hope and their bond strengthened.

"Don't worry," Jane reassured, running her mates cheek. "We won't be going anywhere." Sofia sighed in content and pushed her head into Alec's neck while Jane pressed herself against Sofia, the two vampires making a vow to protect the blonde from everything, even herself.

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