Chapter Six

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Tyler's p.o.v »»

I hadn't been in the house ten seconds before I was greeted with a hard slap over the head.

"Jesus!" I said annoyedly, figuring it must have been Will who slapped me because there was no way my mom could have reached up that far.

"She told me to!" Will said, putting his hands up in defense when I made a fist to hit him.

"I'm tired of your games, Tyler." My mom said, shutting the front door and looking at me with the evil eye.

"My games?" I asked curiously, rubbing my head. Will may have been the nerdy bookworm type, but he wasn't weak by any means.

"Everyone in this house has talked to Madison but you."

"If she wants to talk to me, she knows where to find me." I said, too quickly, receiving looks from both my mom and brother. "Okay, I know what you mean." I admitted, starting up the stairs.

"After dinner, you're going to go ask her if she wants a ride to school." She smiled, waving her hands maniacally.

"Why can't Will do that?"

"Because Will isn't the one driving, and Will has already done his part." I gave Will the finger behind her back and he stuck his tongue out at me and gave me the loser sign.

"Dinner will be ready in thirty minutes, and you have twenty minutes to eat. Any longer than that, I know you're stalling." I swear, mom's know all the tricks.

"Fine, I'll do it."

"Oh, honey, it wasn't optional."

Upstairs, I tossed my bag on the floor, closing my bedroom door and leaning against it. "I hate my life." I muttered, wanting to kick something. My phone rang, the caller ID reading that it was Jake. I contemplated answering it for a second, but gave in.

"Party, my house, tomorrow night, 8 o'clock, the theme is neon." He wasted no time to fill me in on the details and was always assuming I was the one to answer.

"Is neon a theme or a color?" I asked, going to my closet to see if I had anything that could pass for neon. Black, grey, red, blue, yellow. Nope, no neon.

"It's whatever I want it to be, jackass. I'm getting those little glow stick things, neon paint and all the good shit, man. It's going to be epic." I had to admit, that did sound pretty awesome.

"I already have some of the cheerleaders getting supplies, you want in?"

"Not in the slightest. I'm not even sure I'll go." He was quiet for a second.

"That's real funny, T, you almost had me going." I sighed, shutting my closet and going over to my window, shutting the blinds before turning my light on.

"I did always want to be a comedian," I said sarcastically.

"I'm getting my best party animal back tomorrow. You better get ready to get wasted and do body shots off the softball team because it's happening!" He hung up before he knew I'd inevitably protest.

I put my phone down, catching a glimpse of myself in the mirror. I always looked worse coming home than I did when I left for school, but I decided to throw on a light, grey sweatshirt on over my t shirt. I fixed my hair a little bit, letting it swoop more to the side than up. Why I was fixing my appearance, who knows.

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