Chapter Fourteen

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Tyler's p.o.v »»

Her last phone call was used to call me. The last phone call she would make, the one person who she figured might be able to talk her out of jumping in the lake didn't answer. All of this could have been prevented.

"It's not your fault, Tyler." Dr. Sullen told me calmly as I walked slowly around the room, wanting badly to break something. Her office was one of the most neatly decorated places, with nothing but simple black, white, and blue furniture and accessories around the room, soothing and motivational posters in frames.

"It is my fault! I didn't answer!" I said angrily.

"It's not like you ignored her call, you didn't even know she called you until yesterday." She pointed out, much reminding me of Will.

"I was too busy in my own world to check my phone. And when I did, I didn't see a missed call from her, I swear." I spoke more so to myself as if I had something to prove. Dr. Sullen looked at me with weary eyes. She had been my therapist for six months and we had been making progress, but every time we got further, something set us back.

"So, you feel guilty?" She asked to clarify.

"Yes. It's bad enough she killed herself because of me, but now I find out I could've had a chance to redeem myself by doing something so simple as answering my phone." She nodded, and I noticed she wasn't taking notes during this session. When she noticed me catching on, she spoke.

"You're reacting appropriately, I'll give you that. I see where you're coming from." Her response took me by surprise.

"Do you think someone may have deleted her call from your phone?" My instinct was to dismiss the accusation all together, but I couldn't help but consider it.

"Anybody at the game could have deleted it, but I don't know who would have wanted to." My jaw tightened, running my hands through my hair and messing it up more than it already was.

"This all feels like a bad dream and I can't wake up." I mumbled.

"Did Sheriff Hill tell you anything else?" I nodded but waited until I said more.

"They're looking closer into my connection with Madison's death. He knows that I didn't do anything directly, but now there's a whole conspiracy theory going around. I just...I'm so tired of this."

"Tired of what?"

"The whole Madison thing. Ever since she came back, it's been hell."

"Have you two talked about it? I've talked to her a bit, I think you guys should just sit down and go over what happened,"

"I don't want to bring up old memories for her. And, like, it's difficult talking to her. I don't know what to say." She looked at her watch, uncrossing her legs and standing up.

"I want you to talk to her within the week, privately, and in our next session I want to find out exactly what you need so you can move on from this, and more importantly, move on with your life." That's what I needed. I just wanted to move on, happily, after everything that had happened.


"Slow down, the food's not going anywhere." Will said as I ate, watching me devour a cheeseburger faster than what should have been possible.

"I'm hungry," I managed in between bites, taking a sip of Pepsi. "What's wrong with you?" I asked, watching him look back and forth at something behind me back down to his plate.

"I'm going to tell you something but I don't want you getting all big brother about it, alright?" I nodded, crossing my heart with my finger.

"I like this girl," when he saw the smile forming on my face, he quickly continued before I could speak. "But I don't know what to do about it and I'm only telling you because you're known for having luck with females."

"It's a Hastings thing." I shrugged, turning around to see who else was in the diner. My eyes landed on a familiar face, my ex-girlfriend's younger sister. Emma's sister Kate sat on a stool, writing in a notebook, glancing up when she saw me in her peripheral. I waved, and she gave us an enthusiastic wave back. I looked back to Will to see him with his head down, only his grey eyes visible.

"You are such an asshole." He mumbled, sitting back up when she looked away from us. I laughed, waving him off.

"Why don't you go over there and talk to her?"

"One, she looks very satisfied being alone, two, I don't have enough testosterone in my body to do that, and three, I came here with you so I'm honoring my word of staying with you." I rolled my eyes.

"She just started high school, she doesn't know who to stay away from yet. And, she knows us, but more importantly, she knows you. And how hot your brother is, but that's a story for another time." It was his turn to roll his eyes, looking down as he drunk more of his cookies and cream milkshake.

"What's going on with you and Madison?" He asked after he was finished.

"What do you mean?"

"You're partially being normal, but both of you are keeping some secrets."

"I'm not keeping anything." The look on his face told me he was calling my bullshit.

"It's nothing important, I don't think. It's just more so my side that might cause some trouble. I don't know why, but things just aren't adding up."

"You didn't sit with her at lunch today like you pretty much said you would, and I know you still like her, maybe even lo-."

"Don't even finish that." I said quietly, my eyes looking into his. He held his hands up, slowly putting them down in surrender.

"I'm just saying, feelings don't die when people do."

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