Chapter 3- Scary encounters

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The only thing I felt in that moment was the pure paralysing fear rushing through my body. The keys laying still on the floor where I dropped them, unable to reach down and pick them up. I guess I thought that If I didn't move then the wouldn't see me, like a stand off between a cheetah and it's prey.

The shadows swiftly moved, taunting me with their dark intentions and making me snap out of my shock and fumble around for the keys I had almost forgotten, trying desperately to grasp them for some sort of comfort from the situation. The three had started to saunter in union with their target very clear to see. Me.
I grab the cool metal of the keys and rush to the handle of my car, shoving the key in and yanking the door open as the three reached me. My breathing sped up and I felt faint, the adrenaline pumping through my body begging me to get out of here.

I felt a hand grasp the back of my jacket and rip me away from the safe coffin of my car, throwing me backwards on the the floor.
" Where'd you think you're going girl?" One of the men said, slurring his words in his deep, rough voice. "You ain't leaving us that easy." I could feel the cool hard ground touching my exposed hands and legs, sending shivers down my spine. Tears were threatening to spill over the corners of my blue, glassy eyes. The three guys were speaking in cursory phrases, with the intention of intimidating me. And oh did it work.

I come to my senses and feel a rush of adrenaline go through me, hurriedly starting to shuffle away from them, in an attempt to find a way out of their control and to find safety, my mouth opening to scream for someone to come help me, But they wouldn't let that happen. I felt a sharp stinging pain in my ankle and soon run through the rest of my leg, making me groan from the pain. The sudden shock caused me to stop moving and daze me until the only thing I could focus on was the weight of the black combat boot laying steady on my exposed, now-injured leg. I could hear their taunting laughter and the sound of a blade being flipped open from behind me. One thing was clear to me though. if I stay here, I am going to die.

All I could feel was the sore tingling of the foot on my leg and the radiance of the chill air  from the ground. I'm not sure what it was, but something made me look up, over to the other side of the lot. I don't know exactly what I saw but it looked like someone was standing there, watching me. They were still and silent, like the shadow of a sculpture in a museum.

One of the men leant down next to me, his whisky-tinged breath Cascading down the side of my face, inching closer and closer to my cheek with every second, I couldn't help the tears that were inching down my cheeks. I had never felt fear like this before in my entire life. I sat there in those seconds, questioning what I had done so wrong. What I had done to deserve to have my life end in the hands of three drunk, strange men when all I wanted to do was go home. The man was millimetres away from my face...until something stopped them.

The three men stopped in their tracks, suddenly taken back by the sound of a car speeding into the Stark lot, spinning around in ways that were so extreme they looked like they were out of a James Bond movie. At first I didn't recognise the car, understandable because I was In a bit of a situation on my own.
Clearly startled, the three backed away towards my car out of shock, before coming to their senses and straightening themselves up. My bruised leg was now free from the weight of the man, and I scrambled to my feet, away from them and into the gaze of the bright car headlights, shielding my eyes.

Relief overwhelms me and I rush to the passenger door, the guys grabbing at me on the way. I slide round the corner and into the ajar door of the red car. Vince's eyes looked red with anger when he saw my leg as I limped. He snapped his head over to the glove compartment of his fathers car and rummages around for a couple seconds. "What are you looking for?" I ask in confusion, the guys now walking over to the car. "Wait here, shut the windows and look away." He says, his eyes staring in to me showing an almost psychotic look. He's never been this angry before. Not that I've seen

Vincent pulls out a small shotgun and clicks it. It's loaded. I look at him in shock, I've never seen him like this before.
"Vince what the hell are you doing?!" The pure sound of terror in my voice scared even me. That's his dads gun. Why does he have that? Vince says silent and opens the car door, stepping out with the gun aimed towards them, even through this newly found tough alter-ego, I can still tell he's shaking in fear. Slamming the door shut behind him. I see him walk over to the men and hold it up to them, the barrel towards their pale faces.

I guess they were no match for Vince's gun, as it seems it was enough to make them abort and run away immediately. Vince relaxed his shoulders and dropped his hands, he walked over to the car and put the gun in his pocket, opening the car door and climbing in, turning to me. "Are you okay?" He asks concerned, like he hasn't just pulled a gun out of nowhere. " I'm fine vince, but seriously what the fuck?" I couldn't help my choice of words, I know I should be thanking him for saving me but seriously? He could've gotten himself killed.

(A/N) I feel like this went really quickly so after I finish the book I'm gonna go back and edit it but I like it I guess, I have a lot of ideas for this story but I would love to hear some of yours! Leave any suggestions, comments or opinions in the comment section and I'll make sure to reply ❤️ thank you xxxx

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