Chapter 5- lucky charms

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I left Vince's house and drove my car back home, it's 1:00pm and my mum is still asleep upstairs. Its a Sunday so it's the only day she gets a proper rest after working long hours for 6 days at a crappy job with a sadistic boss. I barely see her anymore, I know she tries but it's like I live alone. My house is almost always empty.

My house is your typical American home, big and white with wooden details, and a front porch with an old rocking chair in the corner. Our house is the picture of a 50's romcom. The house is extremely clean, thankfully we have enough money for a maid, although my mums job sucks, she gets paid a lot.

Walking into the white marble kitchen, I see my filed maths homework layed out on the side, it can wait until later. I pour myself some lucky charms and take my bowl to the sofa, carefully placing them on the coffee table and jumping on the white leather, getting comfortable and finding the remote between the two silver cushions. I grab my bowl and lean back, switching on the flat screen tv and putting on an episode of spongebob.

Scooping the colourful cereal into my mouth, i turn on my phone and look at the comments on my recent video, seeing I've gained 400 subscribers in the past 3 days. I reply to the nice comments and scroll past the hate comments.

One comment stood out to me, reading it made my blood run cold and the hair sit up on the back of my neck. A user, with the name "hah3slag" commented :
"Maybe if you payed more attention in mr. Williams' class, you'd know the difference between "neither" and "either". "

This must be a prank, right? Must just be someone in my class playing with me, but who would go through so much effort make a fake account, just to scare me? I report the comment and close my phone, jumping up to put my bowl in the sink. Hearing my mum stirring upstairs, I put some bread In the toaster for her and sit back down.

I flick through the channels on our large tv and stick with the news. A tall blonde lady stands in front of a map, pointing and gesturing to the different weather of each place. Minnesota is supposed to be hot for a couple days. The picture switches back to two middle-aged men and a woman sitting disgusting the latest news. The camera zooms in on the woman as she talks about the latest reports.

"Three men have been discovered dead in mimi apartments, maple grove, Minnesota.
They were found dead by their neighbours, Mr and Mrs Southward, who heard gunshots early this morning and went to check on them. The three men, Marcus granger, JJ Pitts and Daniel popov were found in a pool of their own blood on their living room floor, each suffering one gunshot wound. Marcus being shot on the left side of his head, closest to the door, JJ second, with a shot to the back of his head and Daniel once in the back. It's thought that Marcus was shot first and the others were shot while trying to escape."

The screen flashed with images of the three men, and I immediately recognised them as the men from yesterday, my eyes bulging out of my head as I realise who they are. I text Vince to turn on the news and continue listening,

"The killer and motive of the three is still unknown and is currently under investigation. If you have seen any of these men in the past 24 hours, please inform authorities."

I sit with my jaw dropped, there's no way I'm telling anyone about what happened, it could get Vince in trouble, plus,

I doubt I have anything to do with this.

An/ hi! Sorry it's been so long but I'm currently writing a bit for my other book the pranksters. I put a pic of three guys who I imagine as the men if you're like me and need to picture them :) I'll update soon! Byeee

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