Chapter 10

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Castor's POV

     I hadn't realized just how much I had missed Camp Half Blood.  After revealing myself, I always had a horde of people around me refusing to leave my side, and I refused to let Pollux out of my sight.  It was heaven.  After spending my time between breakfast and lunch showing off my new skills (one does pick up a lot in five hundred years), it was time for lunch.  It had only felt like a second since we had arrived at Camp Half-Blood.  Sometimes I forget why we're here, and when I do, it's a real slap in the face.  I walked down to the dining pavilion with my friends when I got a mind message from Percy.
     'Sit at our table for lunch.  We have important things that we must discuss.'  This was met with groans.  'It's only for one meal.  And besides, we've got to do some training and planning before the battle.' I groaned along with everyone else.  Planning things and ADHD don't mix well.  I told Pollux that I had to sit at the Chaos table, apologized, and walked over to where the rest of the army was sitting.  They were all in the midst of conversations with one another when I took my seat in between Beckendorf and Bianca.  After we all had gotten our food, and had about ten minutes to eat, Percy started.
     'Alright, there's a giant war coming up against possibly thousands of lethal monsters and we've got an army of two hundred fifty demigods ranging from ages 4-however old the oldest person is.  So, what are we going to do?'  We were doing the meeting mentally so we could eat at the same time, and just in case there were any spies at the camp (which was highly unlikely.). 
     'First off, we've got to do A LOT of training.' Silena suggested.
     'Maybe we can see if that Roman camp will help us.' I added.  We started thinking of possible alias, and were so involved in the conversation and our food that no one noticed Annabeth, Nico, Jason, and Piper at the front of the table.  Annabeth cleared her throat.  Luke was so surprised that he made a little yelp and fell out of his chair.  That set all of the Chaos warriors off laughing.  Luke blushed and got back on his chair, brushing off his cloak.  Eventually, we all turned our attention to Annabeth and friends. 
     "What can we help you with?" Percy asked. 
     "I'm going straight to the point, is Percy Jackson in your army?  If not, do any of you know of his well being?" Annabeth demanded.  The question seemed to take all of the warriors aback. 
     "Why do you want to know?" Zoë asked carefully, a cool edge to her voice.  At this point, everyone in the pavilion was silent. 
     "We did some things- terrible things- to him and we're sorry, and we would like to say as much." Piper said quietly.
     "Like he didn't deserve it." Brendan added under his breath, walking in front of our table to the group of other demigods.  Looks like all hard feelings against Percy weren't gone.  Even the average demigod with their above-average senses wouldn't have been able to hear that last remark, but the Warriors of Chaos received heightened senses and reaction times, so they all heard it loud and clear.  Brendan's comment seemed to have been too much for Luke, considering how close he was to Percy.  His face flushed again, but this time it was because of anger.  He stood and Percy and Beckendorf both grabbed one of his arms to keep him from punching the spawn of Poseidon. 
     "I do know Percy Jackson, or what's left of him!  Seeing him change makes me wonder what happened here that was bad, so bad, enough to take the light out of his eyes, the playful smirk off his face!  His heart was taken out!  Shredded!  Stomped on!  I did a few missions with him right after whatever happened here.  He was crazy, reckless, throwing himself into battle.  He honestly didn't care if he lived or died!  The Percy Jackson you once knew is dead!  Gone!  Obviated!  And you, all of you, killed him!"  He threw accusing glares at all of the demigods, who were silent in shock.  "I knew Percy.  He refuses to be called that.  It brings back too many bad memories.  How bad must you have been to him to make him not be able to use his own name for fear of what it stands for.  Or stood for.  As I said before, Percy Jackson is dead.  And it's your fault!" Luke sat down trembling in rage.  Emma slowly applauded. 
     "Pretty sure he just voiced what we all are thinking.  Oh, and I have something to add." She looked at the horrified looking immortal demigods at the head of the table.  "Assholes.  Pardon my French."
     "Feel good?" Zoë whispered to Luke.  Luke nodded.  A fuming Brendan and a subdued Annabeth, Nico, and Piper left the table and returned to wherever they had came from.
    'You really should reveal yourself to Nico at the least.' Bianca said, always protective of her younger brother.  Percy was about to refute when a cough directed their attention to the front of table yet again.  There stood Brendan, still there. 
     "Hey, you, Commander Aphic." He sneered.
     "Alpha." Percy corrected under his breath, but Brendan took no notice.
     "You want to know what I think?" He asked grandly.
     "Not particularly." Zoë grumbled, earning chuckles from the army, and some of the sharper-eared campers.  Yet again, Brendan either ignored this comment or didn't hear it.
     "I think that you're weak.  I think that you act better than you are because you know that I could whoop your-" Brendan said a few colorful words.
     "Duel.  Two o'clock.  Arena." Percy offered, sounding almost bored.
     "You're on." Brendan agreed over-confidently.
     I opened a mind link.  'This is going to be hilarious.'.

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