Chapter 20

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Beckendorf's POV

After Percy revealed himself to his friends, I didn't see much of him besides meals and training.  He spent every waking moment with them, and honestly, I couldn't blame him. 
     The kids I was training in the forge were taking a quick break.  We were watching Zoё and Emma brutally train the campers on the climbing wall.  Zoё was shooting the arrows with blunt arrows for them to dodge, taking better aim at the male campers, I noticed, and Emma was shouting.
    "C'MON!  I HAVE ONE LEG AND I COULD DO BETTER THAN THAT!" She screamed at a teenage camper who obviously wasn't trying.
    "Yeah?" The camper sneered, not liking being talked down to by a nine year old.  Emma grinned evilly.
    "I'll race you." she challenged.
    "You're on." the camper agreed.  Emma detached her leg.
    "Hold this." she told a stunned camper who was waiting for their turn on the wall.  Emma dropped the leg in their arms.  She hopped over to the wall.  "3, 2, 1, GO!"  The two raced up the wall.  Emma was aided in the fact that the lava didn't hurt her, so she just climbed through it.  By the time Emma was at the top of the wall, the camper was barely halfway.  I chuckled, and stood from where I'd been watching the scene unfold.
    "Alright, break's over, back to the forges." I told the Hephaestus campers, who groaned in response.  I rolled my eyes and headed back to the forges, the demigods following me but complaining nonetheless.
    "ALL CHAOS WARRIORS AND CABIN COUNSELORS TO THE MEETING ROOM IMMEDIATELY." Chiron boomed.  I looked up in sheer panic and locked gaze with Leo, the Hephaestus cabin counselor. 
"MASON, YOU'RE IN CHARGE!" I demanded and, along with Leo, raced to the big house.  When we entered the room, Chaos sat at the head of the ping-pong table, looking nervous.
"Chaos," I greeted.  "What's the matter?"  He gave me a look that told me to wait until everyone arrived.  I nodded and sat at the table.  In about a minute, everyone was present, their breathing slightly labored from racing to the Big House as fast as they could.  Once everyone sat down, Chaos started.
"Atlas, Gaea, Kronos, Nyx, and Tartarus are going to attack with their army in exactly a week."  This was met with everyone talking at once and pandemonium in general. 
"Everyone, quiet down!" Chiron demanded.  Everyone shut up. 
"I'm really sorry, but I've got a lot to do, so I have to go." Chaos said.  Chiron nodded in understanding.  Chaos teleported out, leaving a bunch of panicking immortal demigods in his wake.
"Now, we need to discuss strategy." Chiron continued.
"I say we attack Tartarus first.  If he's alive, then the monsters will regenerate the moment we kill them."  Percy strategized.  Annabeth stared at him in shock.
"Since when are you this good at planning?" She asked.  He shrugged.
"I guess I've always been good, but I never had to around you."  They spoke quietly enough that the other cabin counselors couldn't hear them and Percy's identity wouldn't be reviled.
'Awwww!' Silena mind messaged.  'So cute!' Percy blushed and I groaned at my girlfriend. 
"Alright, so the Warriors will go against Tartarus first.  Can the campers protect us until we're done?" I asked.  Piper nodded.
"I think so." She said.  We spent the next half hour coming up with strategies and comparing ideas.  By the end, we had a solid plan.  The Warriors would rush Tartarus as soon as they could and fight him as a team.  The campers would fight any surrounding monsters, and the immortal counselors and gods, who were coming down to fight with us, would keep the titans busy.  Then, the Warriors would fight the other titans, while the immortal counselors helped the campers with the monsters and the gods helped out wherever they were needed.  The Hephaestus cabin, under my lead, would divide into two.  One part would make weapons and armor, while the other half would make inventions to help keep back and kill the monsters.  I could tell that the campers were surprised that we wouldn't have the gods fight the titans, but I knew that all of the warriors were just as, and if not more powerful than any given god.
Just as we were about to leave, a nervous looking Rachel Dare flew into the room.  Wisps of dark green mist surrounded her.
"Felt... prophecy coming... came here fast as could." She sounded out of breath.  Her eyes suddenly turned dark, almost black green and smoke of the same shade billowed from her mouth.

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