15: The Family and Nono Generation

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Nana and Iemitsu didn't know what to do. They have ignored their eldest to the point Tsuna have concidered them strangers. Nono and his Guardians were disappointed at the Sawada family for their neglect to the boy. Reborn's thought of the family's stupidity increased.

'I knew Iemitsu was stupid and Nana's an airhead, but this is just too much.' Was Reborn's thought.

"It's alright." Was what Tsuna have said and not 'I forgive you.'

"I can't say I forgive you, because I know it would give me no justice. I can't forgive you but I can give you a chance to start over like Nana did. Show me your sincerity is enough to finally make me forgive you all for everything you did." Tsuna added.

"I'll do everything it takes to make it up to you, even if I have to go the hell and back." Ietsuna said with conviction.

"Then show me you can be a better brother than Lambo could be." Tsuna said lifting a surprised Lambo.

"Tsuna-nii, Lambo-sama is the best little brother for you! You can't replace Lambo-sama for that meany!" Lambo yelled pointing at Ietsuna at the end of his proclamation.

"I know you are the best little brother for me, that is why I made you the reference for him. If he can be the best brother for me then he will also be the best brother for you." Tsuna said to the little boy.

"But you are the only best brother I need. The rest next to you are taken by Aho-Dera and the rest. No one can match them especially you!" Lambo argued.

"You'll never know if you don't give it a try." Tsuna said making Lambo pout before agreeing.

"We'll be taking our leave now so Nono and the others can settle in. Me and my Guardians have our own business to do and Lambo needs some help in his kindergarten." Tsuna said and left with a bow to Nana and his Guardians followed with Nono and his Guardians behind them.

The remaining Sawada was left alone on silence with Bianchi and Reborn going out to finish some important matters.


"Are we not going to use any form of vehicle?" Nono's Sun Guardian, Brow Nie Jr., asked.

"If you like I could call our driver and sent us a car. Kyoya is not fond of confined vehicles, same with Chrome but with different reason, Hayato might blow the poor car up if Takeshi or Lambo are present. Onii-san is too 'extreme' in the car. I accompany Chrome walk if Mukuro is unable to. Takeshi and Lambo are the only people who are ok inside a car. I like to walk because it can also serve as energy consumer, if walking for hours straight makes me tired." Tsuna stated. Making ninth and his Guardians imagine the car blowing up due to temperamental teenagers.

"Can we still request a car?" Nono, Timoteo, said.

Tsuna brought out his phone and dialed a number. The call connected and Tsuna request a car to pick Ninth and the others at the park and have one butler guide them each, after receiving a positive reply to the order, Tsuna ended the call.

"Are you not going to join us along with your Guardians?" The Mist, Bouche Croquant, asked the waiting teen.

"Kufufufu~ Tsunayoshi promised us that he will hangout with us in the forest after school, so we need to buy few things in the store seeing as it was an impromptu when we had lunch earlier." Mukuro replied to his predecessor.

"Then how regularly do you Guardians train?" The Rain, Schnitten Brabanters, asked changing the topic.

"We do 'Light' exercises every morning before school starts and at weekends we train in the morning, spar in the afternoon, and meditate in the evening after our cool down exercises. Maman, feeds us because we have a rotation for maids' and butlers' day off. She is in charge of cooking every weekends. She also brings us snacks, waters, and towels to eat and use every break we get." Takeshi answered next.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2018 ⏰

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