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I sat to the side of the set, watching Jaeden & Sophia act out one of the final scenes for IT. We were nearing the end of filming, and it was like a sigh of relief. Don't get me wrong- I love being on set watching all of the scenes come together, and having a part in production was incredible. But it was the recent events that made me want it to end sooner.

Last month, Jaeden & Sophia started dating. I've had a thing for Jaeden since we started filming, and coming here every day is really hard when there's a constant reminder that he's with someone else. As the director's daughter, I've created a tight bond with the whole cast. But the first time I saw Jaeden there was just something about him; he was different.

"And cut! That's a wrap for today! Great job Sophia & Jaeden!" Andy (my dad) said. I got up off of the chair I was sitting in and headed out to my dad & I's trailer.
"Hey! Kia! Wait up!" Sophia shouted to me as I made my way to the exit.
"Great job out there today Sophia! You and Jaeden are absolutely incredible as Bev & Bill." Sophia and I were best friends, even though when she & Jaeden became a couple I was really bummed out, I couldn't let it show because I wanted to support her no matter what.
"Are you coming to the cast dinner tonight? Jack is going to be there and it's pretty clear he has a thing for you." She raved while wiggling her eyebrows. Cast dinner. I completely forgot.
"Uh- yeah I'll be there. And Jack is a complete nut ball. I don't even know what he's saying half the time so I highly doubt it." I arrived at the door of my trailer.
"I gotta go get ready. I'll text you later, okay?"
"Yeah definitely. See you later!" Sophia shouted walking away. I walked up the stairs and shut the door tightly behind me.
"Shakiyah, is that you?" Dad yelled through the kitchen door. I made my way through the packed-but fairly large-trailer.
"Yeah, it's me, dad. So there's a cast dinner tonight. Thanks for letting me know in advance." I sarcastically stated with a laugh.
"Oh gosh. I'm so sorry, I completely forgot. We've been so busy trying to wrap everything and get-"
"Dad; it's fine. Really. You've been doing a great job with everything. I'll just find some clothes to wear and I'll be good." I interrupted him out of pity, mainly because of how packed his schedule was. I mean, he was juggling taking care of me, a movie, not to mention the many 13-17-year-olds running around his set.
"Love you, sweetie. Reservation is for 7:00."
"Got it." I turned to walk out of the kitchen, and into my portion of the trailer. It was a smaller room with a bed, nightstand, desk, and a closet. I was used to these type of things, considering how often my dad is directing for something or another. I don't mind it though, it's actually pretty fun.
I looked into the mirror hanging on the wall and debated on what to do with my hair. I have long black hair, and it's hard to do because of the length, so I usually just pull it back into a braid or ponytail. But tonight was different. We often had cast dinners, but because this was one of our last ones I wanted to dress up a bit more. Because hey, even if Jaeden is with Sophia, it doesn't hurt to impress him.
I was plugging in my curling iron when I heard my phone go off.

Jack: Hey Kiyah! Are you coming to dinner tonight?
Shakiyah: Yeah, I'll be there.
Jack: could I ask something?
Shakiyah: go for it.
Jack: would you like to be my date tonight?

I had to think about this for a second. Jack was really sweet, and it's not like he just asked me to marry him so, what's the damage. Right?

Shakiyah: I'd love to.
Jack: awesome! Meet me out front @ 6:30?
Shakiyah: for sure. See you then!

I clicked my phone off. Now, I have to try and figure out how to handle this hair & outfit situation.

*Time Skip*

Around an hour later I walked out of the trailer and headed to the front lot to meet Jack. I ended up loosely curling the ends of my hair, and crown braided the top portion. My makeup was subtle; light foundation, eyebrows, highlighter, mascara and some lip gloss. I decided on a red off the shoulder cocktail dress, with a fitted torso and a loose skirt. For shoes, I wore nude pumps, which I got as a gift for my 14th birthday last month.

I opened the door to the front lot, revealing a very well dressed Jack.
"Wow. Shakiyah, you look amazing." Jack stood while his eyes trailed me up & down.
"Thank you, Jack. Also, thank you for asking me to dinner. That was very sweet of you."
"Of course. Shall we?" He held out his arm, which I grabbed and walked into the car.

When we reached the restaurant, before I could even reach for the handle, Jack already opened it for me. He gestured for me to step out, which I did. As nice as Jack has been, my mind was on Jaeden. I just really wish that things were different.

The place we were eating at was a high-end Italian restaurant that I really liked. It's my favorite because this is where I first met Jaeden. I look back at when filming first started and all I remember was this shy kid; he's really changed. He's really changed me.

Walking in I was hit with the smell of spices and herbs. My eyes immediately locked with Jaeden's. I smiled, but he just kept staring me down. Weird. Jack locked his hand with mine, earning a glare from Jaeden. I squeezed his hand, reassuring that it was okay. We made our way to our table and said hello to everyone.
"You made it! I'm so happy you're here!" Sophia said happily when we hugged.
"Yeah! I actually came with Jack!" I showed her our locked hands.
"Jackiyah. I totally ship it."
I laughed and sat down. In one row was Jack, myself, Jaeden, and then Sophia. On the opposite side was Wyatt, Chosen, Finn, and Jeremy.
"Jack actually got a date! You go!" Finn said, making me instantly feel awkward.
We both just laughed it off.

Soon after we finished eating, I felt a hand brush my arm. It was Jaeden.
"Hey, meet me in my trailer when we're done here," Jaeden whispered whilst Sophia was talking to Chosen & Jeremy, and Jack was talking to Finn & Wyatt.
"Uh- okay." I stuttered out.
Why would he want to see me?

*Time Skip*
I was outside of Jaeden's trailer, about to knock when the door swung open.
"Oh hey." I managed to get out, despite my nervousness.
"Hey, Kiyah. Come in?"
I nodded and went inside.
"Hey sorry I forgot to say you did really great toda-" I was cut off by a pair of lips on mine. I was shocked at first, but I slowly melted into the kiss.
"Shakiyah I've liked you ever since you stepped foot on this set."
"But what about Sophia? I can't do that to her. I-I thought you loved her."
"Of course I do. But not like that. It's hard to explain and I know things are confusing but I'm sure about one thing. Will you be my girlfriend?" His words were surprising me. I never thought he felt that way.
He kissed me again.
I've never felt so happy.

a/n hi!! my name is Jordan, and I'll be helping out with the writing of this book! I hope you liked this chapter and the ones to come! Thanks for reading! x

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