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Finn: I'll be there in 10 mins, k?
Izzy: yeah, I'll be ready, thanks.
Finn: ofc dude

Finn & I have been friends for the past 3 years.
As a series regular on the show Supernatural playing Tana Singer, I filmed with Finn when he portrayed the character 'Jordie Pinsky'. Since then, we've talked almost everyday and have become really great friends. Currently I was pacing back and forth in my room, waiting for him to pick me up. He had invited me to the IT cast party, as his date.
Neither of us liked each other in that way, so we were comfortable going out as friends.
I had never met his cast mates, therefore the reason that I was nervous as all get out.
From what I'd heard from Finn, the unreliable source, was that it was a formal party at Jaeden Lieberher's house. So in Finn's words, I was told to:
'Wear one of those fancy dresses with heels and shit.'
So, that's what I did.
On my day off of shooting, I went shopping with Gen. (Genevieve Padalecki the legend.)
I eventually found a red off the shoulder cocktail dress, with a fitted torso and flowy bottom.
For shoes, I bought a nude pair of Louboutins in the style So Kate.

Being snapped out of my thoughts, I heard a knock at the door. I ran down the stairs and slipped on my heels.
I opened the door to reveal a well dressed Finn, with a white dress shirt & black pants on.
"Wow, Izzy. You look great."
"As do you, Wolfhard. Now let's get going!"

Sitting next to Finn in the car, I could feel my hands shaking, when suddenly it stopped. Finn had grabbed them into his.
"T-thanks Finn."
He shot a friendly smile, knowing the gesture wasn't meant to be romantic.
"Izzy. Don't be nervous. You're an incredible person, not to mention actress, and they've all seen your on screen performances and loved it. I love it. They will like you, I'm positive."
I sent him a warm smile, the pit in my stomach growing smaller and smaller with his kind words.
"We're here!"

Walking up the long driveway, to the gigantic house, I had my arm hooked around Finn's.
"Dude, slow down I can barely walk in these."
He chuckled before saying,
"We're almost there, don't worry."
Moments after he said that, we were at a large front door.
He rang the doorbell, while I clutched his arm & my bag tighter.
"Finn! My man!"
They did one of those bro hug things, and he turned to me.
"And you must be Izzy, I don't believe we've met."
He grabbed my free hand, and kissed it.
"Ah yes, you must be the infamous Jack Grazer. Great to meet you."
Both smiling widely, he welcomed us in.
Still holding onto Finn for dear life, he brought us over to his fellow cast mates.
"Izzy, these are the other members of the loser's club."
Pointing to the remaining 5 on the couch I haven't already met, they all got up to say hello.
After letting go of Finn, I was engulfed in a huge hug from a girl with short red hair, who I presumed to be Sophia.
"Haha Hi! You must be Sophia!"
Pulling away she looked at my outfit before smiling again,
"I sure am! It's so great to meet you Izzy! I've been dying to hang out with another girl tonight! You know, get away from these losers!"
We both laughed before the next person came up to me.
He grabbed my hand, shook it, and introduced himself.
"Hey! I'm Chosen."
"Hi! I'm Izzy, so great to meet you."
"You too!"
After him was a taller boy with very curly hair.
"Wyatt Oleff, great to meet cha!"
He shook my hand violently before hugging me tight.
"H-hey! I'm Izzy. Did someone spike the punch or is he always like this?"
They all laughed before saying in unison,
"Always like that."
Next I was welcomed by a slightly shorter boy, with a really bright smile.
"Hey Izzy! I love your work in Supernatural. I'm Jeremy."
"Thanks so much! It's great to meet you."
Finally, the boy whom I learned from Finn was the owner of the house, came up and started speaking nervously.
"H-Hey. I-I'm Jaeden. You look beautiful. Thank you so much for coming."
I shook his hand, and spoke carefully.
"I'm Izzy! Thanks so much. And thank you for letting Finn have a plus one. You all have been so nice to me for the whole 5 minutes I've been here."
They all smiled and resumed their previous doings.

"Hey Fin-"
I turned around and he was gone. Probably to say hello to everyone else.
I stood there awkwardly, not wanting to intrude, when there was a gentle tap on my shoulder.
"You look a bit lost, did you want to head out back? It's a bit quieter out there, I know what it's like to be around a lot of new people.
Jaeden's words were soft, and comforting. I grabbed his hand,
"Sure, let's go."
He pulled both of us through the crowd of well dressed people, to a large back patio lit up with twinkle lights. There were vases of white roses on a couple tables to the far right & left, while the distressed wood floor complimented the night sky.
"Want to sit?"
Shook out of my daze, I nodded my head and walked over to the small tables.
He pulled out my chair, and I sat. I watched him as he carefully sat down himself, moving the roses from the centre to the side of the table.
"So, what's it like?"
"I'm sorry, what?"
I was genuinely puzzled. It was a broad question.
"Being a huge star. Having your name up in lights. Knowing that there's always someone out there who loves and supports you. I want to know what it's like."
"Well, you should know. I mean being in a legendary remake, and all. But in all honesty. Not as great as you think. I'm presumed to be this perfect, well dressed television star. People don't know what you're really like, you know?"
He nodded, really, truly, listening. No ones ever cared that much to wait for my response.

"And he just totally fell off the boat!"
Jaeden screamed through laughter.
"No way! How is that even possible."
His laughter came to a slow, forming into a smile.
"God, I don't even know."
In the distance, I could hear faint violin music from the inside living room.
"Care to dance?"
He asked, getting up from his seat and grabbing my hand.
"Why, It'd be an honour."
He took me to the centre of the patio, where he put his hands on my waist.
I left him puzzled.
I slipped off my heels, putting them to the side, feeling instant relief.
"Okay, good."
We resumed our prior position, when I felt myself becoming closer and closer to his chest. My head was in the crook of his neck, his arms around my lower back, gently swaying to the music. It was so peaceful.
Just getting away from real life. Being with someone who cares.
"Yes, Jaeden?"
"You look beautiful under the light of the stars."
His comment made me blush, bringing him as close as humanly possible.
"You're too sweet."
I lifted my head from his shoulder, and gave him a gentle kiss on the lips, letting it slowly linger.
With no words, we went back to dancing.

When it came time for me to leave, I had rejoined with Finn at the front door.
"Thanks Jae. Izzy & I really had a great time."
I tightened my grip on Finn's arm, hoping that he wouldn't say anything stupid.
"As did I."
With that, he winked and Finn turned us around.
"You really like him, huh?"
"Yeah, I really do."
We walked down the driveway, giggling and talking about our night.

a/n get you a mans like Jaeden x

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