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"Go ask her already. You've been standing here staring at her and it's starting to get weird."
Wyatt whispered to Jaeden. Which obviously wasn't quiet enough because it turned the head of the pretty girl they were admiring.

But that's later in the story.
Let's meet our subjects, shall we?

Jaeden Lieberher. Up and coming 14 year old actor, recently casted in the remake of Stephen King's IT. Alongside him are Wyatt Oleff, Jack Dylan Grazer, Finn Wolfhard, Chosen Jacobs, Jeremy Ray Taylor & finally Sophia Lillis.
Any of those names ring a bell? Well, they should. And if they didn't, well you'll be quite similar to y/n won't you? Now back to Jaeden.
The thought of walking onto set for the first day of filming made him extremely nervous.
What if I  screw up and no one likes me?
What if they don't like my acting?
Well, he sure ended up liking someone. Just, not who you'd think.
Next subject?

Y/n l/n. Professional make up artist & model. And at only 14, well, she was way ahead of the game. Modelling for companies like Calvin Klein, Burberry, and Scotch & Soda, she has made quite the name for herself.
Landing her first job as the stylist & make up artist on the set of IT was pretty surreal.
But she never let any of this change her and get to her head. She took every job with a grain of salt, as if it were her last.
She was also extremely petrified.
What if they think I'm weird?
Or they don't like the styling?
All of these questions flooded her mind while waiting for the cast to arrive.
She was a very private person, and didn't like to flaunt the fact that she was 'famous'
She has never heard of any of the actors, and liked to keep it that way.
If she knew how popular they were, chances are she'd fangirl. And who wouldn't freak out when Finn Wolfhard walks in a room?

Now that we've covered introductions, let's get back on track.

It was 11:25am, 5 more minutes until they get to the set. Y/n had been there since 9:00am, setting up the makeup and such. She was pacing in the large dressing room she'd be working in for the next 9 months. After calming down and taking a drink of water, she decided to go see Andy and talk to him about today.

Jaeden was walking up to the doors of the back lot, not knowing what to expect. He arrived at the same time as Wyatt & Jack, whom he had known from previous projects.
"Hey! Jaeden! What's up!" Jack yelled running at him while Wyatt followed close behind.
"Not much, you guys excited to meet everyone?" Jaeden tried to act calm, but his voice was shaking a bit. A bit? Let's correct that. A LOT. He was taking on the main role in a movie based off of a classic novel. No biggie.
"Yeah, it should be fun. We should get in there. Andy said he wanted to start right away."
After finding their way to the main corridors, they saw Andy talking with a girl that none of them had seen before.

When she exited the dressing room, she was immediately met with an excitable Andy.
"Y/n! It's so great to finally meet you. I've seen your work and it's absolutely spectacular!" He was genuinely happy to have her on set and y/n noticed that.
"Thank you so much Mr. Andy! I can't wait to meet everyone." Haha. Just kidding. She was shaking and couldn't believe the confident tone of her voice.
"Speaking of everyone, here's three of them now!" He pointed behind her revealing the trio she'd never seen before.

When y/n turned around, she took Jaeden's breath away. His eyes went wide and his arms limp.
She's gorgeous.
He thought to himself. Let's not get ahead of ourselves. He doesn't even know her name. But oh, he didn't need to.

She looked back to the three boys around her age all staring. To break the awkwardness in the room -trust me, there was lots-, she walked over to them with a little pep in her step.
"Hey! I'm y/n l/n. I'll be the make up artist and stylist throughout filming!" She held her hand out, which the boy she saw as the little one, gladly took.
"Jack. Jack Dylan Grazer. Might I say you are stunning." She laughed at his compliment and nodded. He looked a little confused because, most girls completely freaked when they saw him. Weird.
Wyatt scoffed and was next to introduce himself.
"Hey! I'm Wyatt Oleff. Ignore Jack. He's a flirt."
"Good to know."
Lastly was the taller boy, who had been staring her down the past two minutes.
Trust me, this isn't the whole cliche love at first sight thing. Scratch that. It was for Jaeden. It might just take y/n some time to realize that.
"Uhm- uh hi. I'm Jaeden." He slowly put his hand in hers and felt sparks.
"Nice to meet you Jae! It'll be great being able to work with you guys." Was this all of them? Wow, this would be easy for her.
"Yeah, y/n?" Andy asked her with an unsure tone.
"What's up?" She was really curious. I mean, this was a great opportunity! Nothing could change-
"Hello set! Man, it's been a while since I've been at one of these." A boy with dark curls and freckles shouted coming through the double doors.
Followed by 3. Other. People.
"Haha. Yeah. There's seven of them! Good luck I'll need you all on set in 2 hours bye!" Andy walked off quite quickly, not wanting to feel the backlash.
While y/n was taking in the fact that she'd have seven people to situate everyday, Jaeden was still staring.
She's so pretty.
Was all he could think.
The same boy who came in first grabbed her hand, kissed it, winked and then finally decided to introduce himself.
"Finn Wolfhard. Who might you be, darling?"
Staying calm and collected, she spoke.
"Y/n l/n. I'll be the on site make up artist and stylist throughout the next 9 months of filming."
She talked loud enough so that the three stragglers could hear too. She's already introduced herself multiple times. Not again.
A girl with short red hair ran up to her and engulfed her in a hug.
"Hey! I'm Sophia! So glad that there will be another girl to hang out with!" She seemed nice enough, and that was true. Teenage boys could be unpredictable, so having a female friend should help.
"Hey, everyone. We have less than two hours before set so we should head into dressing and we can chat more then? Okay?"
She got a series of nods from everyone and a loud 'yep' from Jaeden.
He was really cute. And y/n noticed. But she was here to work, and work she will do.
But what's a little fun?

a/n hey everyone! Today we just hit 1000 reads which is completely SURREAL! Thank you for your continuous support and in honour of this momentous occasion, there will be a part two to this story. Until next time! x

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