Chapter 1

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Touching at the black cloth between my fore finger and thumb I simply could not believe that I was actually here.
The feeling of the material couldn't convince my brain either and even looking around the vastness of The Great Hall before me, I still thought that maybe I was, in fact dreaming.

I had been cast, only yesterday, to play an extra in the latest Harry Potter film, The Goblet of Fire.
I had done a little bit of film work before, but it had never been on this sort of scale and although I didn't have very much to do or anything to say, I really thought that the big time had actually arrived.

Standing amongst the other extras, who like me, were all wearing wizard robes, I could feel the excitement building as cameras and other film equipment were being manoeuvred around into their positions.
There was a real buzz and I was lapping it up.

I had arrived early this morning, before it was even daylight and had been ushered, along with 50 or so others into a room to be kitted out into our costumes. Having watched the first three Harry Potter films, I knew full well just what I would be required to wear and I was so very excited about it.
Just wearing a robe and looking the part was brilliant enough, but now standing in the magnificent Great Hall at Hogwarts, well it was difficult to believe it was just a film set at all.
The attention to detail was second to none and I couldn't help but to stare at everything and everyone.

All around me people were babbling and chatting away, whilst I just stood there in absolute awe and complete silence.
Of course I had read the books and knew the story and the characters, but seeing it all come to life right in front of my very eyes was jaw dropping, especially that I was now also lucky enough to be a part of it as well.
I just could not believe my luck.

We had been asked to stand in the middle of the Great Hall and await further instruction, but from what I could gather, we were just here to make up the numbers for students attending the school. This particular scene required the whole of the school to be present.
Being one of the eldest, I naturally positioned myself towards the back. I felt ok with this as I could still see quite clearly what was going on in front of me, but another girl just to the side of me was complaining bitterly.

"I shouldn't be stood here". She cursed. "I should be down there at the front, I mean, I've been in all of the other Harry Potter films so I know what I'm doing".

I looked across at her and frowned. I couldn't understand her grievance. I was just so happy to be a part of just one Harry Potter film and she had been in the all of the others. Standing here in the first place was a privilege enough!

"Umph this is so totally unfair. I'm going to put a complaint in afterwards just wait and see". She went on.

I turned away. I couldn't do with her moaning, and I certainly didn't want her negative attitude spoiling my wonderful experience of a Magical day.

Looking around me again I suddenly caught sight of Harry Potter himself, Daniel Radcliffe and I felt my heart begin to hurriedly beat faster.

Oh wow! He was really there! Just in front of me and I couldn't quite believe it.
He was with someone who was faffing around with his hair and although he wasn't wearing his round Harry Potter style- glasses, at the moment, I knew it was him.
He was smiling and chatting away happily to everyone around him. I thought he looked very friendly and extremely relaxed.
Although I would be somewhat older than him, it still didn't stop me from being so totally awestruck by just seeing him there in front of me.

The Director had now started to bark orders at everyone as a few of the other main cast members began to filter onto the set. He seemed quite terrifying, as he continued to shout out his orders in a strict military like fashion. But curiously enough, no one seemed to worry about his raised voice and they all seemed fairly tolerant of him.

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