Chapter 46.

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Buuuzzzzz. Buuuzzzzz.

The noise invaded my ears and seeped into my mind like an infuriating, bothersome little insect that would not go away.
I just wanted to be left alone.............. to think, to ponder over what exactly had just happened tonight. I didn't want nor need any interruptions whatsoever whilst I somehow had to try and come to terms with what had just gone in here this evening.

This had been quite a catastrophic end to what was once such a beautiful and wonderful friendship and I was at a bit of a loss with how it had all just escalated.
One moment Amelia had been making me look absolutely stunning with her vast array of make up and hair styling products and the next, she was laying into me........accusing me of all sorts.
She had actually raised her voice to me which was something that I never thought was possible from such a softly spoken person such as herself, which made me believe that she had meant every word she had said.
How could she have done such a thing?
Why had she done it?
Oh..... Yes. I know.
I remember now........ Ashcroft Jennings!

He had somehow succeeded in spoiling my life once again. As if he hadn't done that enough already.

Why couldn't Amelia just damn well believe me when I told her I just wasn't interested in him anymore. In fact I hadn't been since he had left Jose's. I had moved on. It was a pity that he hadn't been able to as well.

I clenched my hands together with both anger and frustration.
Couldn't Amelia tell that I wasn't interested in him and why did she believe all those horrible lies he had told her about me! Surely she knew me better than that!

Buuuzzzzz. Buuuzzzzz.

There was that infuriating noise again. I wished it would just stop bothering me. I really had to resolve my friendship with Amelia.
I couldn't have her going round thinking ill of me, especially after what Ashcroft had told her that I had been some kind of obsessive stalker or something!
If she really knew the truth about him and what he really was like.........

I moved about uneasily.
I could not tell her. Not that. Not what he had put me through.
What he was still putting me through!
Alternatively I could not have her despising me in favour of someone who did not deserve her.
Maybe I should just go out there now myself and see if I could find her and Maya. See if we could talk things over. Make her see sense in all of this. I did not want to lose her. I loved her far to much for that.

I went over to get my coat.
I needed to sort it. Needed to sort this out right now.

Buuuzzzz. Buuuzzzz. Buuuzzzz.

What was that noise?
It was really getting on my nerves now!

I angrily flung open the door that led out onto the stairwell, only to realise that the noise was in fact my own doorbell being pressed from the other side of the door at the bottom of the stairs!
It had been so long since anyone had rung it I had completely forgotten just what it had sounded like!
How long had somebody actually been stood out there pressing it?
Guilt suddenly overtook my senses. I mean what a ditz I was..... Not even recognising my own bloody doorbell. I realised that it wasn't your traditional ding dong sound, I'll grant you, just a stupid annoying buzzer! Still...... I should least have known it!

I began to go down the stairs to answer it.
Maybe it was Amelia coming back after all, realising everything had been such an awfully big bloody mistake and she was coming to apologise. We would then hug one another, laugh about it all and everything would be perfect once again!
My heart felt suddenly elated.
That was it! She was just the other side of that door, probably feeling just as bad as I was a few moments ago. But already I felt so much better and she was instantly forgiven without having to utter a single word. Just the fact that she was even here would more than make up for things!

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