Chapter 45.

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My little flat was a hive of excited, unbridled anticipation, something that had been very sadly lacking inside of it as late, so I was making sure to revel within the laughter, the boisterous banter and the ever so loud music that filled the ears with a rhythmical beat.

Maya and Amelia were here, two of the closest friends anyone could ever wish to have and they were extremely excited about what the evening lay ahead for me.
More excited than I perhaps was!
They were now dancing around together and drinking copious amounts of wine has well as filling their faces with plates of canapés and chocolate fondue.

I had laid on a bit of a party for them, collecting the bags of pre ordered, ready made food and several bottles of wine on my way back from Jose's. I, myself had not partaken in any of the wine drinking, although I did have one already poured out, I hadn't touched it. Two glasses this afternoon had put paid to me drinking anymore.
Anyway, I certainly did not want to attend the premiere worse for wear by being drunk.............especially given who's company I would very soon be in!

I leaned over and looked at the reflection of myself in the hand held mirror that had been placed on the table in front of me and smiled. My friends had done a good job with my hair and makeup. Now I was just waiting for my newly painted nails to dry and had my fingers evenly spread out on the table before me, trying to resist the temptation to actually touch anything. The best thing I could do was to just sit here very still and watch the frivolity before me.

Amelia was still dancing. She loved to dance and had hold of Maya's hands, trying to encourage her to join in too. Maya was a little bit more reserved but it was so good to see the both of them together, my two very different of friends.
I watched as Amelia swung Maya around. Her long blonde hair flowing around like something out of a shampoo commercial. She looked so happy and free without a single care or worry in the world.
Maya, on the other hand was a little taken a back by my other friends exuberance and although she was allowing her hands and arms to be moved about by Amelia, Maya's feet remained planted solidly to the floor. She was laughing though and it was good to see her so happy. Poor Maya hadn't had very much to smile about lately and it was a real tonic to see the both of them together getting on so well.

"Wooh!". Amelia suddenly said, as the song she had been dancing to came to an end. "I do so love a good bop around".

She then collapsed onto the sofa, splaying her arms and legs out in a spread eagled like fashion as she now let go of a very bewildered looking Maya.

"I think we ought to turn the music down a bit". Maya suggested cautiously, "We don't want to annoy any of Gwen's neighbours".

"Nonsense". Laughed Amelia, "I think they should all come along and join in the fun. It is a party after all".

I shook my head at her.

"I think Maya's got a point you know. It is only a Tuesday night, not the weekend ". I said.

Amelia heaved herself off from the sofa and grumbled a little as she swayed slightly towards the cd player and turned it off.
I watched as she then poured herself another large glass of wine and came over towards me.
Maya was now sat on the arm of the sofa and also studied Amelia very carefully whilst she gently sipped at her own glass.

"I think you're ready now". Amelia then said, as she now began to gently remove the towel that had been placed around my neck and over my shoulders.

This was to prevent any of the cosmetics or hair styling products from falling onto my brand new dress. I did feel a bit silly all wrapped up like some sort of deranged Egyptian mummy, but now it was time for the big reveal.

"Well....... stand up then". Amelia gestured with her hands.

I obediently slid of the bar stool that I'd been sitting upon and wobbled slightly on the high heels I was wearing as they made contact with the kitchen floor. I wasn't very used to heels nor indeed a dress, so I now instinctively looked down at myself.

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