Chapter 31.

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I pulled away suddenly from Ashcroft's kiss, confused as to why he would do that, but also scolding myself for perhaps leading him on when he was obviously so vulnerable.

"I'm sorry".  I said, shaking my head, leaning away and averting my eyes away from his.

"Well I'm not".   He said quietly, leaning himself towards me again as if to repeat the action.

I looked at him sort of horrified as he came towards me on the armchair and attempted to plant another kiss onto my lips.
I moved my head away.

"Ashcroft!".  I said, almost laughing for I was quite convinced that he was, in fact only joking.

In a minute I felt so sure that he would come to his senses and realise that he was just being over emotional.
After all, he had spent the best part of an hour totally opening up to me, so I figured that he was bound to feel very confused.
But suddenly now,  he had his both hands either side of me, resting them on the arms of the chair, basically trapping me in my seat beneath him.
I stared at him with total confusion as he then began to lean down, closer towards my face, so close now that I was able to smell the alcohol upon his breath.

"Ashcroft, let me get up.......... Please".   I said, trying my hardest to avoid his lips.

But to no avail.
They came crashing down onto my own again with such a force that for a moment, I was quite unable to breath.
Once again though, I managed to pull away from him by heaving myself up onto the armchair

"OK......".    I conceded,  " That's enough now. You've had your fun".

I pulled a hand down my face and let out a deep breath.
Surely he was only messing about with me.
He wouldn't have meant it.
Probably all that pent up emotion from this evening's confessions coming out, fuelled by all the alcohol he had consumed.

I tried to get up out of the chair, to move away from him and with me doing that, I felt quite sure  he would then apologise, say he didn't know what had come over him and all would be well once more.
But he wouldn't let me.
Instead he held his position over me and attempted to kiss me  again.
His face had now became stern, almost menacing as he came closer to my own.
This wasn't like him at all and I felt very suddenly quite scared.
So I turned myself away from him, so that he could not reach my lips and was then shocked to feel him grab at my jaw with a forceful hand.  His fingers pressed hard into my skin as he turned my head back to face his again.
I stared up at him, looking right into his eyes as he continued to hold me tightly in this position.  I was now pleading silently for him to loose go of me as the pressure he was exuding was beginning to hurt me. But he ignored my silent pleas and continued to lower his head downwards and kissed me roughly with his tongue forcing its way so far into the inside of my mouth, I thought I was going to choke.

I tried to push him off.
I didn't want his rough kisses.
I didn't need them.
Why was he doing this?

I moved my head quickly from side to side in an attempt to get away from him, but it only resulted in him holding my jaw even tighter, squeezing my face even harder until it really started to hurt.
I then tried to speak, to plead with him to stop what he was doing, but I couldn't.
I felt helpless beneath him as well as very, very scared, especially when I suddenly began to taste blood in my mouth!

I had to think of something, this was getting quite serious now, so I started to wriggle my body downwards in my attempt to get away and was suddenly free of his lips.
Ashcroft looked down as I was now almost sat on the floor in a very strange and uncomfortable of positions.
To my surprise, he rolled off me and was now, himself sat on the floor staring at me curiously.
I then slid myself from off the armchair and sat there on the floor opposite him.
Tentavely I brought a finger up towards my bottom lip and touched at it lightly.

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