Chapter 24.

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This was a moment to truly savour, as Alan tenderly kissed me back. I was now fully in charge again and I felt so very pleased with myself in what I had managed to achieve. Above all though, my ability to take back what I truly believed to be mine.
The kiss though, was immense as I continued to explore his mouth whilst he gently began to fold his arms tighter around my waist.  It was a beautiful, wonderful feeling and I began to wonder whether or not we were both actually acting!

I began to doubt that I was.

As the kiss ended I looked into those soft, expressive eyes of his and smiled mischievously.
Did I feel embarrassed? Shy? Stupid? Or even that I should not have done it?
No. Not one bit.
I was glad that I had taken charge of the situation.
Glad that I had shown him just who he was playing with.
It had pleased me no end.
But now, looking into those eyes, I was finding it quite hard to maintain these feelings of power which I had been trying to achieve for he didn't seem beaten, hurt or indeed disappointed by my actions. Instead he just looked at me almost with relief.
Had this just been some sort of a test he had set out for me to see how I would react if he did take charge?
Maybe he thought that he'd better, just in case I couldn't deliver the goods.
Perhaps now that I had, he'll have more faith and trust in me.
Maybe I had succeeded in making him proud of me after all.

So many different thoughts were going through my head at this time that I had to remind myself that the cameras were still rolling and I was still having to deliver my next line.

Still smiling at him, I reached up and lightly touched the side of his face with my finger tips.

"So? We carry on then?". I softly asked him.

He reached up to wrap his fingers gently around my fingers that were caressing his face.

"After that, it would seem so". He spoke quietly.

" And we'll be together, no matter what anyone says or does to try and come between us". I now said.

Alan held my hand in his and still looking at me seductively brought it up to his lips to kiss gently each of my fingers in turn and boy was that erotic!

"I cannot and will not live my entire life without you in it beside me".  He said passionately.  "I really do not deserve you. I am so very lucky".

"I'm the lucky one". I answered. "You really do mean the world to me. I hope you know that I really do love you, with all of my heart".

Alan's eyes searched my own as we held one another's gaze and it was now that I was expecting the dulcet tones of David McIntyre to shout "Cut! It's a wrap!". Or something along those lines.
But he did not
He continued to film us.
That most certainly was not in the script!

Alan now lowered his head back down towards mine and said with the most sexiest of whispers that I had ever heard:

"My life..... at last.... is complete now that you are in it"

I gulped.
Now what do I say?
I had no script to follow on from and I now realised that this was what Alan had been going on about and not in fact the kiss!
I stared into his eyes, searching them for some clue as of what to do or say next, for I was totally at a loss.
But there was no need for me to ponder on it for too long, as suddenly his lips came back down onto my own again, capturing them with an intensity that I really had not expected. His arms also, had now wrapped themselves around me, holding me in place as his mouth moved seductively over mine.
Of course I kissed him back, but his kiss was strong and passionate, gentle and caring, wonderful and blissful.

I had never been kissed like that before. Ever. This was new and exciting and I didn't want it to end.
But end it did, as Alan drew his lips away from mine, he left me yearning for more.
I gently eased my eyes open to see him looking into them with what seemed to me to be real passion.
How on earth could he act like that?
It was incredible.
I had been so lost within the tenderness of the moment, I had quite forgotten that we were meant to be acting. But Alan, forever the professional, now carried on and said:

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