A Trio of... Children?

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Hello my fellow AoT friends! Here is a deaging fanfiction! I know, not original but please give this story a chance?

Disclaimers! I don't own anything. Shingeki no Kyojin/Attack on Titan's storyline and characters belong to their rightful manga writer Hanjime Isayama. I also don't own the rights to Kodansha, Funimation, or any other partnerships associated with SnK/AoT's manga and anime.
Eren didn't expect Hanji's concoction to work correctly. And it didn't. Hanji had worked nearly 24 hours straight just to perfect some bubbly liquid and when she was done she looked so exhausted everyone was surprised she didn't just collapse and fall asleep. Instead she ran into the room where the three wall commanders stood, arguing over funding for the Survey Corp. Eren knew the room was off limits while he commanders were in there. He and Moblit desperately tried to stop Hanji but their efforts were fruitless.

Hanji ran into the room, leaving Eren and Moblit in the doorway. "COMMANDER ERWIN!!" The three commanders glanced up, none of them looking very excited to see her. "You're never going to believe what I- oop!" She stumbled and the vile flew from her hand. The three commanders made an attempt to catch it. The vile slipped off the back of Commander Pixis's hand, bounced off Commander Dok's finger, and fell just out of reach of Commander Erwin's fingertips. It hit the table and exploded. Fumes shot up and the backside of the room filled with smoke.

Eren and Moblit ran in. "Well done, Hanji!" Moblit scolded. "Now you've done it!"

"What does her concoction do anyway?" Eren asked.

Hanji shrugged. "I was going to say I think I have some Titan taming potion but I didn't have a test subject." Moblit groaned loudly.

Oh Wall... Hanji making potions? That's worse than Eren ever imagined. If the Titans weren't the main threat, Hanji would be.

The smoke cleared and Eren nearly screamed when he saw three little blobs in the room.

The three commanders were children about three, four and five years old.

Eren studied the three. He could easily see who was who. They still wore their bolo ties and their features hadn't changed too much that they were unrecognisable. They really looked like their adult form. The only difference was that one of them now had brown hair.

The largest boy looked at Eren and smiled. "Hiiiiii!!" He said happily. He waved his pudgy hand as he wrote one a paper with a pen between his toes. This had to be Dot Pixis. He had the brown hair, and still possessed the drunk eyes.

The second smallest child ran up to Eren and wrapped his arms around his leg. He nuzzled Eren's shin as he sang softly about "Reluctant Heroes." This had to be the four year old, Erwin Smith. There were just too many hints that pointed to this conclusion; The blonde hair that still remained in a neat combover, the large blue eyes, and the abnormally large eyebrows.

The third child--the three year old--was crying for a stuffed unicorn. No doubt it was Nile Dok. Compared to Dot and Erwin, Nile was tiny. Eren wondered if Nile would take up the crybaby role of the three.

"This is bad, This is bad," Moblit muttered over and over again as he helped Hanji up.

Nile's cries began to get to Eren. He made his way over to the table to try and calm him down. Erwin remained clinging on to Eren's leg. "Hanji... what the hell..." Eren groaned. That's when Dot decided to stop writing with his toes (where his shoes had gone was out of the question). He hopped into the chair and began spinning himself rapidly.

"It was this potion!" Hanji cried. Now Nile had stopped crying and started watching Dot.

"HANJI!! Now we don't have the three commanders!" Eren fumed. Moblit nodded vigorously. "What are we going to tell the other scouts?! Section Commander Hanji turned them into babies!" Nile was now giggling, catching Erwin's attention.

"Well I was thinking of something along those lines," the scientist admitted. Eren face palmed while Moblit yanked Hanji out of the room to give her a good talking.

"Can I twy?" The teeny voice made Eren's heart stop. He didn't need to look to know who spoke.

"Uh-huh!" A slightly deeper voice and much louder voice replied.

Eren turned his attention back to the table. Dot and Nile had swapped places and Dot was now spinning Nile. Roughly. The maniac laugh of Hanji roared through the room, matching Nile's squeals. Hanji pulled out her notebook. "Day 1; Dot Pixis, Erwin Smith, and Nile Dok have turned into children of ages five, four, and three respectively. Pixis is already spinning Dok in chair," she said as she wrote.

"I wanna twy too!" Erwin said to Eren, bouncing up and down.

Eren shook his head. "It's not safe. I need to stop the others."

Eren hurried over (as fast as Erwin would allow him to move) and stopped the two. The last thing he needed on his plate was one of the kid commanders to get hurt. Dot and Nile whined in protest. "Why don't we go do something else?" He said. "Erwin, can you please let go of my leg?"

"CARWY ME!!" Erwin demanded. He tried to crawl up Eren's leg, his eyes wide and pleading to be picked up.

"NOO!" Nile wailed. "Cawry me!" Nile ran over to Eren's other leg and hugged it. He looked close to crying.

As Erwin and Nile begged for Eren's attention, Dot skipped up to Eren with a large grin. "I'm Dot!" He said happily. Oh yeah, they hadn't don't introductions.

"Hi Dot. I'm Eren," Eren said, trying to sound happy.

Dot continued the introductions. "Dat's Erwin. He's dumb. And dat's Nile. He's a baby."

Nile broke into tears of protest. "I NOT A BABY!!"

Erwin, on the other hand, kicked Dot's knee. "I'M NOT DUMB!!! YER DUMB!!"

"Enough!" Said Eren. "Listen, you three calm down. Erwin, let go of me and I'll carry you."

"ME TOO!?" Nile yelled.

"Yes, you too." Eren picked up Erwin with one hand and Nile with the other. They weren't heavy but they squirmed around so much it made it hard to hold them safely.

Now Dot felt left out. He scaled up Eren's back like a monkey and hung from his neck. "I WANNA BE CARRIED TOO."

"Stop shouting..." Eren groaned. He shifted until he was able to hold all three of them, two in the arms and one getting a buggy back ride. Then he turned and began making his way towards the doorway.

And that's when he saw Hanji with a large smile. "Day 1 continued; Eren Jaëger has gladly volunteered to attempt to carry all three babies."
Hope you enjoyed the first chapter! If anyone is interested in betaing it message me and we can talk!

And yes, I realise the quality of the writing is not as good as some of my other fanfictions.

Please vote, review, comment, criticise, and critique!

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