Bath Time

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I don't own anything.
"No, no, and no!" Eren scrambled to seize the three commanders and pull them out of the horse manure. "We do NOT roll in this shit!"


"Shut up, Nile!" As soon as he said it, Eren regretted yelling at the three year old. Nile burst into tears and ran to Armin for comfort. Meanwhile Dot chanted "Shit! Shit! Shit!"

No one was looking forward to giving the commander kids a bath, least of all Eren. But Erwin wouldn't let go of his leg and Dot wanted to play with Erwin, meaning that Eren was stuck bathing the three.

"These three need baths," he said to the scouts who had not left the scene yet. "And I need help. We can't let them drown."

Erwin tugged at Eren's hand. "Ereh? I hungry." Eren ignored him.

"I'll help you," Mikasa said immediately.

"As will I!" Armin chimed.

"Great!" Eren said. He then thought about how rowdy the three became. "I think it might be best if one more came along. Just in case." No one volunteered. Frustrated, Eren began pointing fingers. "Eeny meeny mighty wall, loser gets to wash them all. You're it."

"No," Levi promptly responded. "You have three people. That's all you need."

"I HUNGRY!!!" Erwin yelled, tugging at Eren's leg straps. Eren handed Erwin a ration from his belt. The rations were dry and probably not very tasty but Erwin was happy with it.

"I need some more help." Eren redid his poem and ended on Jean, who began cursing, causing Nile to yell at him.

"Shut the fuck up, Nile!" Jean screamed. Like the idiot he was, Dot began repeating the word 'fuck' and Nile cried, running from Armin to Eren.

Together, the seven walked to the river. As they walked, Jean stepped closer to Eren and Armin, growling. "If she doesn't fix this curse soon, the commanders are going to end up making more trouble than the Titans ever did!"

"At this rate, I'm less concerned about the Titans and more concerned about giving them baths," Armin muttered.

By the time they reached the river, Nile forgot what he was crying about, and Erwin released Eren to play tag with Mikasa and the other commanders. Eren stepped into the water first, hoping the river would miraculously warm up. Unfortunately, it was the same as ever.

He turned around to see the three commanders watching him in awe. 'Weird,' Eren thought. 'Normally I'm looking up at the commanders.'

"You guys wanna come in?" He asked. The three nodded. "You're going to have to get undressed."

"But you're not undressed!" Erwin pointed out.

"I'm older than you," Eren said. "I can keep my clothes on." Actually, he didn't feel like undoing all his 3DMG straps. It took forever to get them on and off, no matter how fast he got at it.

The children wouldn't move. They all stared at Eren, silently plotting. Finally, someone did something. Dot kicked off his shoes and threw them at Jean. "Hold these." He stuck one toe into the water. "WAUGH!! IT COLD!!"

"It is?" Nile took off his own shoes (with a little of Mikasa's help). "No it not!"

"You didn't even touch the water," Eren grumbled.

"If Dot says it cold, I'm not going in!" Erwin crossed his arms.

"Me neither!" Nile chimed.

"Yeah!" Dot said.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2018 ⏰

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