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I don't own anything.
Nighttime came around and the commanders' energy had reached its peak. Erwin and Dot had started a game of tag and were laughing loudly while Nile chased them screaming. All three children had red cheeks and according to Ymir, that was the sign of exhaustion setting in. Ymir told the scouts to keep all eyes on the kid commanders because "It's possible they'll fall asleep in the middle of running."

Nile ended up living to that expectation. His little body couldn't keep up with the demand of energy needed for the game of tag and he fell asleep in mid stride, landing flat on his face. That's when Eren decided it was bed time. He called Erwin and Dot over as he picked up Nile. "Come on, you two. It's bed time."

"NOOOOOOO!!!" Dot yelled. He ran faster. "You can't catch me!" Erwin followed Dot, giggling the whole way. Eren considered letting them run themselves to sleep (which he could see Erwin was close to doing) but he realized that the chances of them falling asleep within the next five minutes was highly unlikely. So Eren made a whole lap around the room trying to catch the two before he got help. Mikasa walked right into the children's path and scooped up Dot. Meanwhile Armin grabbed Erwin as he ran by.

Needless to say, both became very upset. Dot cried while Erwin pouted. Eren couldn't care less. He lead Mikasa and Armin to Erwin's room, where he figured would be the best spot to keep them. He set Nile down on the bed first. To his dismay, Nile woke up and began to cry. Dot then proceeded to make fun of Nile for being a baby while Erwin crudely reminded Dot he had just been crying.

"Erwin! Dot! Stop!" Eren barked. The two obeyed. "Look, you guys are just overtired so get some rest and we can play tomorrow." Eren picked up Nile and held him against his chest. He rocked him back and forth until his cries began to subside.

"But I don't wanna go to sleep!" protested Dot.

"Neither do I," Eren said. "But if I want to spend all day playing, I need to get my sleep at night."

Mikasa set Dot down on the bed. "If you sleep now, we'll have a big day of playing tomorrow! Does that sound fun?" She gave a hopeful smile that he wouldn't continue to protest.

"I think it be fun!" Erwin exclaimed. He wriggled out of Armin's arms and leapt on to the bed, narrowly missing Dot. "I go to bed!"

"Yes, and you'll try and keep your voice down a little," Armin instructed.

"WHAT?!" Dot yelled. "I CAN'T HEAR YA!!" Armin threw his hands into a surrender and started to leave the room. Mikasa stopped him.

"You're staying until Dok stops crying and all three are in bed."

Eren set Dot and Erwin on each side of Nile (all three were small enough to fit perfectly). "You three can sleep together and keep each other company."

Dot had no problem flopping under the covers and giggling as he pretended to go to sleep. Erwin wanted Eren to stay so he clung on to Eren's wrist ("No, Erwin. Please let go."). Nile complained for something to sleep with. He attempted to try and hug Erwin only to have the blonde shove him away. "Armin! Go find something!" Eren hissed. Mikasa helped Eren pry Erwin off while they waited. Armin returned with a large green plush unicorn and handed it to Nile.

Now free of the three children, the three scouts headed for the door. "We'll be right down the hall of you need us," Armin said. "Good night." The three hurried out of the room before the commanders could complain.

Down time for the cadets was probably the most relaxing anyone had. They all helped Levi clean the room with no complaints and no one argued. Their ears still rang from the loud shouting throughout the day and so they didn't even bother to talk.

As soon as the place was back to ship shape, they readied it for the destructive activities that could possibly happen tomorrow and then turned in. Eren checked on the children on his way to bed. Dot was on the left passed out like a drunkard, Nile was in the middle hugging his unicorn and sucking his thumb, and Erwin was curled up in a little ball, hogging half the covers. Eren smiled slightly before leaving. Maybe these three wouldn't be so bad. It might actually be more fun as time went on!

He changed his mind later when something heavy landed on his body. Eren woke with a start and reached for the knife that sat at his bedside. He prepared to stab it into whoever it was as soon as he confirmed it wasn't a friend. That's when he heard a soft whimper. Eren carefully set down the knife and leaned up. Two giant eyes stared back at him. "Hey Dot... what are you doing here?"

"I had a bad dream," Dot responded.

"I got cold," Erwin said from behind Dot.

"I scawed of da dark," Nile squeaked from the side of the bed.

Eren sighed and sat up all the way. The three interpreted that to mean they could join him bed and they made a scramble to do so. "Let's go back to bed," Eren said hurriedly. He plucked Dot and Erwin off him and slipped to the floor. He set Dot and Erwin down, hoping they would just walk by themselves. That's when the three started whining loudly.

"I don' want the bad dream to come back!" Dot yelled.

"I'm cold!" Erwin tried to climb up Eren.

Nile just sobbed.

All three punched and kicked Eren as he tried to herd them to their room. The racket woke up Hanji, who had the energy to continue writing in her diary as soon as she saw the sight. "Hanji! No! Don't record this!" Eren hissed.

"Why not?" She asked. "Until you find a solution, this is pretty entertaining."

So Eren let the three stay in his bed. Once again, Dot was passed out like a drunkard, Nile was sucking his thumb and snuggling his unicorn, and Erwin was circled up in a little ball. And Eren? He managed to find room on the bed too.

As for Hanji, she peeked in his room and scribbled down in her diary. "Day 1 confined; Eren has allowed the children to sleep in his bed with him. It's too bad he gets the foot of the bed."

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