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Morning came all too soon and Eren was nowhere ready to wake up. But the trio was. Nile woke Eren by pounding the unicorn on Eren's face, screaming the ABCs. Then Erwin did a belly flop on Eren and Dot prodded Eren's nose.

"Alright! Alright! I'll get up!" Eren shouted, making the trio cheer. Eren rolled to his side and fell off the bed, forgetting he had been at the foot.

"HAHAHAHAHA!!" Dot screeched. "Stupid Eren!"

A knock on the door made the four boys quiet down. "Come in..." Eren said slowly. A tall blonde man opened the door and entered with a bag in his hand. "Oh. Good morning, Squad Leader."

"Mornin'," Mike Zacharias said. "Nanaba, Gëlger, Levi Squad, and I heard about what happened yesterday during our scouting rounds."

"Oh?" Was all Eren said. "No, Nile, get off Erwin." The brunette lifted Nile off Erwin's back.

"Yeah. We were told that their uniforms don't fit anymore-" Eren removed Dot from on top of his head and placed him on the bed next to Erwin and Nile. "-so we got them some smaller clothes."

Eren thanked Mike but secretly dreaded having to dress the three. Dot would probably put everything on backwards and Nile was too hyper to even listen. Even Erwin had too much energy to behave properly.

Mike studied the four. "Err... do you want help?"

"Yes," Eren said all too quickly. He immediately handed himDot.

"Hi! I'm Dot!" Dot introduced.

"Hello, Dot. I'm Mike," Mike said, smiling. 

Dot continued on. "That's Erwin. He's dumb. And that's Nile. He's a baby."

Erwin stole the unicorn from Nile and lobbed it at Dot and Mike. "I NOT DUMB!!" Nile began to cry, more upset at Erwin than Dot.

What a way to start off the morning.

By the time the three were dressed, Mike was ready to run as far away from the mini commanders as his legs could carry him. He piled the three on to Eren and then left with a hasty "goodbye!" Dot and Erwin waved while Nile said "No stay! You big!"

Eren carried the three to the dining hall. The other scouts were already up and everyone stopped smiling when they saw the Titan boy with the kids. Except for one redhead.

"OH MY WALL THEY ARE SO ADORABLE!!!" Petra squealed, shooting across the room. "Can I hold one?"

"Pick one," Eren said. Petra chose Nile and hugged him and his unicorn tightly. "I could just SQUEEZE THEIR CHEEKS!!!"

"Pwease don't," said Erwin. "I don' want people squeezin' my butt." Eren nearly dropped Erwin for that.

Dot began kicking Eren's side. "BERTY BERTY BERTY! I WANT BERTY!"

"And Berty you shall have," Eren said as he set Dot into Bertholdt's lap, smirking at the displeasure the tall cadet's face held. Eren let Petra fuss over Nile while he tried to pry Erwin from his leg again. "Erwin..."

"No," Erwin said. Now Eren wished Erwin wasn't such a stubborn person. Even as a baby, Erwin had that attitude that would make him Eren's best or worst commander of the day.

Without warning, Eren plucked Erwin off his leg and placed the little commander on Jean's shoulders. "Why don't you play Horsey with Jean while I eat?" Eren said.

"Eren! I'm still eating my eggs!" Jean scowled as Erwin's little feet dug into his shoulders.

At first Erwin looked like he was going to cry from Eren's "betrayal," but it never happened. Erwin peeked his head over Jean's hair. "Why you no eat oats like horsey does?"

"Because this horsey likes eggs." Jean said, trying to sound nice.

"But horsey might get sick if he eat chicken."

"I'm not a horse!"

"But he said so!" Erwin kneed Jean's ears as he pointed to Eren.

Jean grit his teeth. "Does he look like one who would tell you the truth all the time?"



Erwin smiled. "EREH! EREH! EREH!" On yeah. Erwin didn't know his name. "EREH EREH EREH!!!" Well now he was going to wear it out. "EREH! EREH! EREH! EREH! EREH!" Erwin repeated the name over and over again until Jean told him to shut up. Then he began saying "JEAN! JEAN! JEAN!"

Jean scowled again. "I said SHUT UP!!" He slammed his fists onto the table, making everyone freeze. Erwin was the first to move. He began to cry. "Oh for fucks sake..." Jean face palmed.

Levi plucked Erwin off Jean, and walked away. Meanwhile, Nile had the heart to comfort Jean with "YOU SAID A BAD WORD!! NOW YOU HAFTA PUT A BAR OF SOAP IN YER MOUTF!!" Jean went into full rage mode while Ymir laughed like a maniac.

While Armin and Krista held Jean back from attacking Nile, Eren ran off to find Levi. Considering how clingy Erwin was to him and how Levi seems to be pissed off with the children, he didn't think that was a good combination. It was a recipe for disaster.

Levi had sat Little Erwin on a stool facing a corner. At the sound of footsteps approaching door, both turned their heads. "Ereh!" Erwin squeaked, hopping off the stool and running to Eren.

"What are you doing, Levi?" Eren asked.

"I'm teaching him a lesson for bothering someone at the dining table. I thought he would know better than that."

Eren picked up Erwin. "Well he doesn't. So it's up to someone to teach him manners. And unless you want to deal with him crying, I suggest you use spanking and sitting in the corner as a last result." Eren stormed away from the door, letting Erwin rest against his shoulder.

Erwin's delicate fingers picked at Eren's jacket as he leaned deeper into Eren's chest. He looked tired, which the brunette found odd. Didn't Erwin just wake up? Shouldn't he be a ball of energy? Maybe the child didn't get enough sleep last night? But none of the children woke up last night after they got into Eren's bed.

Maybe Erwin had a lower energy level than Dot and Nile. Eren decided to check with Hanji about that. First, he had to find Hanji.

When he entered the main room, most of the scouts had dispersed. Only Mikasa, Armin, and Jean were still around as well as a few other squad members. "Good news," Armin said. "You missed Hanji playing Titan with Dot and Nile. She pretended to chase them and they had to attack her. It got way too hectic."

"So where is everyone now?" Eren asked.

"They're outside. Follow me." Mikasa opened the door, when suddenly Erwin leapt from Eren's arms and took off.

Eren took a step forward to follow when Armin stopped him. "Relax, Armin. I'm sure Erwin is just going to play with the others."

"By play, do you mean jumping in the horse manure?" Armin asked. 

Hurriedly, Eren pushed Mikasa out of the way. Sure enough, Nile, Dot, and Erwin were climbing in and out of the horse manure, ignoring the few scouts surround the pile who were too grossed out to stop them. "Oh, COME ON!!" Eren screamed.

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