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I was woken up from my nap by a tearing sound. I looked up to see Bender tearing pages from books.

"You snore very loudly, by the way." Bender said, not looking up.

I just squinted at him, clearly still out of it. I didn't think that I snored, not that I actually cared right now.

"He's just saying that. You don't actually snore." Andrew said looking at me.

"Didn't think that I did." I said, side eyeing Bender with an annoyed look.

Andrew and Claire were having some conversation about some party. Bender jumping into the conversation when they started talking about her parents.

"I don't think either one of them gives a shit about me, it's like they use me just to get back at each other." Claire said.

"Ha!" The girl beside me yelled. All of us turning to look at her, shock written all over our faces.

"Shut up!" Claire said.

Claire, Andrew, and Bender going back to their conversation about their parents, while I just kept looking at the girl beside me. Brian was still turned around facing us, but trying to figure out why I was still looking at her.

I jumped up from my seat and started walking over to the other side of Brian. Everyone looked at me as I got up but kept going with their conversation. I pulled out the seat in front of the girl and sat down in it. Facing towards Brian, but I was able to turn and look at her.

"What's your name?" I asked her. I could feel everyone's eyes on us while they still talked. She looked at me hesitantly. "Relax, I don't bite."

"Allison." She replied.

"Avery. But I'll take a wild guess and say you already knew that." She just nodded her head at this.

"Hey Brian." I said turning to him.

"Hey Avery."

"What are the odds that those two will fight before we leave today?" I asked while nodding my head at Bender and Andrew who were now arguing again.

We all watch as Andrew shoves Bender as he's walking away.

"You know something man, if we weren't in school right now, I'd waste you!" Andrew said.

Bender points his middle finger at the floor and says "can you hear this? Want me to turn it up?" He flips his hand over and gives Andrew the bird.

I see Brian start getting up from his seat and I know that he'll try to go over there and get in the middle of it just to keep them from fighting. I lean forwards and grab his shoulder, yanking him back into the seat.

"Hey fellas, I mean I don't like my parents either. I don't get along with them, their idea of parental compassion is just, you know, wacko!" Brian said from his chair.

"Dork." Bender said to Brian.


"You are a parents wet dream, okay?" Bender said.

"Well that's a problem!"

"Look, I can see you getting all bunged up for them making you wear these kind of clothes. But face it, you're a Neo-Maxi-Zoom-Dweebie! What would you be doing if you weren't out making yourself a better citizen?" Bender said.

I clenched my jaw, ready to say something back to Bender but Andrew beat me to it. "Why do you have to insult everybody?"

"I'm being honest, asshole! I would expect you to know the difference." Bender answered.

"Yeah well, he's got a name!"


"Yeah. What's your name?" Andrew said, looking at Brian.


"See." Andrew said, looking back to Bender.

"My condolences." Bender said to Brian.

"What's your name?" Claire asked Bender.

"What's yours?"


"Ka-Laire" Bender said.

"Claire, it's a family name!" She said.

"No, it's a fat girls name."

"Well thank you." Claire said.

"You're welcome." Bender responded.

"I'm not fat!"

"Well not at present but I could see you really pushing maximum density! You see, I'm not sure if you know this, but there are two kinds of fat people.  There's fat people that were born to be fat, and then there's fat people that were once thin but they became fat, so when you look at them you can sorta see that thin person inside!  You see, you're gonna get married, you're gonna squeeze out a few puppies and then, uh." He puts his arms out, gesturing to being fat.

Claire gives him the middle finger. "Oh, obscene finger gestures from such a pristine girl." Bender said.

"I'm not that pristine!" Claire argued.

"Are you a virgin? I'll bet you a million dollars that you are! Let's end the suspense! Is it gonna be a white weddin?"

"Why don't you just shut up!" Claire said.

Bender keeps going on and on about being felt up. Andrew and Bender start arguing about how Bender needed to leave Claire alone. I watched as Bender tried to hit Andrew, Andrew had Bender on the ground in seconds.

Andrew got up and glanced at me. 'Show off' I thought to myself, but I couldn't hide the smirk that grew on my face. Andrew turned his back to me, but I didn't miss the slight grin on his face.

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