We're all pretty bizarre

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"Or, are you a tease?" Allison asked.

"She's a tease." Andy spoke up.

"Oh why don't you just forget it." Claire said, with an annoyed look on her face.

"You're a tease and you know it. All girls are teases." Andy said.

"Woah! Wait a minute!" I said, sitting up straight and looking at Andy with an irritated look. He immediately had a look of regret on his face.

"She's only a tease if what she does gets you hot." Bender told Andy, who's face quickly changed to a smirk.

Andy didn't say anything back, instead turning and looking at me with a flirty smile on his face, returning the wink from earlier. I felt my face heat up in an instant.

"Okay, let me ask you a few questions." Claire said to Allison.

"I've already told you everything!" Allison said.

"No! Doesn't it bother you to sleep around without being in love? I mean don't you want any respect?" Claire asked Allison.

"I don't screw to get respect. That's the difference between you and me." Allison said.

"Not the only difference, I hope."

"Face it, you're a tease." Bender said.

"I'm not a tease!" Claire said.

"Sure you are! You said it yourself sex is a weapon, you use it to get respect." Bender said.

"No. I never said that, she twisted my words around." Claire said, looking incredibly nervous.

"Oh, then what do you use it for?" Bender asked.

"I don't use it, period."

"Oh, are you medically frigid or is it psychological?" Bender asked her.

"Bender c'mon. Cut her some slack." I said to Bender.

"Well if she'd just answer the question, you too." Bender said.

"Why don't you just answer the question?" Brian asked Claire.

"Be honest." Andy said.

"No big deal." Bender said.

"Yeah, answer it!" Brian said, anxiously.

"Answer the question, Claire!" Andy said.

"It's easy, it's only one question!" Bender said.

"No! I never did it!" Claire yelled, before shooting you a glare. Everyone's eyes were on you.

"Your turn!" Bender yelled, enthusiastically.

"What? I never did it either." I said, shrugging my shoulders like it was no big deal.

"Me either. I'm not a nymphomaniac. I'm a compulsive liar." Allison said, smirking at Claire and I.

"I totally seen that coming." I mumbled to myself while pinching the bridge of my nose, but everyone heard what I said. Andy and Brian both started laughing.

"You are such a bitch! You did that on purpose just to fuck me over!" Claire yelled.

"I would do it though. If you love someone, it's okay." Allison said.

"I can't believe you! You're so weird. You don't say anything all day and then when you open your mouth, you unload all these tremendous lies all over me!" Claire said.

"You're just pissed off because she got you to admit something you didn't want to admit to." Andy spoke up.

"Okay fine! But that doesn't make it any less bizarre." Claire responded.

"What's bizarre? I mean we're all pretty bizarre! Some of us are just better at hiding it, that's all." Andy said.

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