hunter exam

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Ok so you are a half Fox half human. Your ears are white with black tips and your tail is white with black tips as well

Your POV

Ok I'm finally at the hunter exam. I'm number 66. 66 was always my lucky number. Right now I am just standing here not knowing what to do at all. There is nothing interesting going on.
"Hi I'm Tompa" Tompa greeted."um hellow?"I replied."I can tell you are new so let's be friends"he pulled out a can of soda."Oh thx"I said. Right before I could take a sip of it a card knocked it out of my hand and it spelled on the floor"~my my Tompa still playing your tricks I see~"A clown said."oh um Hisoka I'm sorry I'll be going"Tompa said in a shaking voice."~ foxy darling  I think you should thank me that drink that tompa handed you had laxatives in it ~.the strange man said."um thank you. Im_____ by the way."."it's a pleasure my name is hisoka. Hisoka the great magician". Ahh so he was a magician. A started to walk off and saw in the corner of my eye that Hisoka licked his lips. I shivered and walked further away. As I was trying to get away from the magician I bumped into a little boy wearing a little too much green." Oh sorry I wasn't looking where I was going. My name is Gon by the way"Gon said in a happy voice." Don't worry about it and my name is _____."I greeted. I noticed that God had a couple people that were close behind them but I didn't bother introducing myself because to be honest I was still tired from the long trip over here. I went over to the wall and sat down so I could have a little rest before exam started. I literally been exactly 2.5 seconds after I sat down that a man with purple hair a mustache and no mouth came out of nowhere." Welcome to the hunter exams a warning that in the hunter exams people could get greatly injured and possibly killed anyone who isn't willing to take the risks please step out." Obviously nobody stepped out because nobody wanted to chicken out in front of all these people. Now the examiner started walking? At an unusually fast pace. We all had to jog to keep up with him. I decided that I wanted to get this over with as fast as I can. The tunnel seemed straight so if I ran to the End by myself I was still technically pass. I started using my fox speed which let me run pretty fast and I easily passed everyone including the Examiner. The running that would usually would have taken about 6 to 8 hours took me about 30 minutes. Once I reach the end of the tunnel I sat down in a tree and decide to take a nap in the meantime.

Hisoka POV

That girl is quite interesting. She has the most beautiful eyes and her ears and tail seem so soft and fluffy. How I wish they could be mine and how it could touch them. I need to calm down I'm getting it too excited. What a shame that she had passed everyone. I really wanted to get to know her a little more. Judging by the speed she was running at she was running at it probably only took her about 30 minutes to get to the end. I want to see my foxy so bad I guess I'll run ahead of everyone as well. I ran ahead of everyone and got there in about 6 minutes. I reached the end of the tunnel and couldn't see her anywhere. After looking around for about a minute or two I heard a very quiet breathing. I looked in one of the trees and saw my precious foxy sleeping. How easy it would be right now to just take her. I climbed up the tree and said next door. I softly caress her smooth delicate cheek in my hand. I lightly kiss her on the forehead and jump down. this seems like a good time to make a card house.

You pov

I swear I could have felt someone's hand on my cheek and then kissing me on the forehead. Come to think of it I was 95%  asleep and 5% awake so it was probably my mind playing tricks on me. I waited about another hour or so before getting up out of the tree. When I got out of the tree I saw that hisoka was sitting on the ground making a card house. Write as I got of the tree he had just put the last card on top of the cardhouse" Foxy you're awake"

Hey hey hey I hope you enjoy this because I enjoyed writing it. I decided to write this because I'm basically read all the good hisoka X reader fanfic out there and decided why not make my own

Total word count counting every single word is 863

Hisoka x reader  My Precious FoxOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora